House Engrossed




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-third Legislature

Second Regular Session












amending section 13‑603, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending title 13, chapter 7, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 13‑717; relating to sentencing.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 13-603, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE13-603.  Authorized disposition of offenders

A.  Every person convicted of any offense defined in this title or defined outside this title shall be sentenced in accordance with this chapter and chapters 7, 8 and 9 of this title unless otherwise provided by law.

B.  If a person is convicted of an offense, the court, if authorized by chapter 9 of this title, may suspend the imposition or execution of sentence and grant such person a period of probation except as otherwise provided by law.  The sentence is tentative to the extent that it may be altered or revoked in accordance with chapter 9 of this title, but for all other purposes it is a final judgment of conviction.

C.  If a person is convicted of an offense, the court shall require the convicted person to make restitution to the person who is the victim of the crime or to the immediate family of the victim if the victim has died, in the full amount of the economic loss as determined by the court and in the manner as determined by the court or the court's designee pursuant to chapter 8 of this title.  Restitution ordered pursuant to this subsection shall be paid to the clerk of the court for disbursement to the victim and is a criminal penalty for the purposes of a federal bankruptcy involving the person convicted of an offense.

D.  If the court imposes probation it may also impose a fine as authorized by chapter 8 of this title.

E.  If a person is convicted of an offense and not granted a period of probation, or when probation is revoked, any of the following sentences may be imposed:

1.  A term of imprisonment authorized by this chapter or chapter 7 of this title.

2.  A fine authorized by chapter 8 of this title.  The sentence is tentative to the extent it may be modified or revoked in accordance with chapter 8 of this title, but for all other purposes it is a final judgment of conviction.  If the conviction is of a class 2, 3 or 4 felony, the sentence cannot consist solely of a fine.

3.  Both imprisonment and a fine.

4.  Intensive probation, subject to the provisions of chapter 9 of this title.

5.  Intensive probation, subject to the provisions of chapter 9 of this title, and a fine.

6.  A new term of probation or intensive probation.

7.  If the conviction is for a misdemeanor, in addition to any sentence authorized by law, a term of:

(a)  Community restitution pursuant to section 13‑717, subsection A.

(b)  Education or treatment pursuant to section 13‑717, subsection B.

F.  If an enterprise is convicted of any offense, a fine may be imposed as authorized by chapter 8 of this title.

G.  If a person or an enterprise is convicted of any felony, the court may, in addition to any other sentence authorized by law, may order the forfeiture, suspension or revocation of any charter, license, permit or prior approval granted to the person or enterprise by any department or agency of the state or of any political subdivision.

H.  A court authorized to pass sentence upon on a person convicted of any offense defined within or without this title shall have a duty to determine and impose the punishment prescribed for such offense.

I.  If a person is convicted of a felony offense and the court sentences the person to a term of imprisonment, the court at the time of sentencing shall impose on the convicted person a term of community supervision.  The term of community supervision shall be served consecutively to the actual period of imprisonment if the person signs and agrees to abide by conditions of supervision established by the state department of corrections.  Except pursuant to subsection J of this section, the term of community supervision imposed by the court shall be for a period equal to one day for every seven days of the sentence or sentences imposed.

J.  In calculating the term of community supervision, all fractions shall be decreased to the nearest month, except for a class 5 or 6 felony which shall not be less than one month.

K.  Notwithstanding subsection I of this section, if the court sentences a person to serve a consecutive term of probation immediately after the person serves a term of imprisonment, the court may waive community supervision and order that the person begin serving the term of probation upon on the person's release from confinement.  The court may retroactively waive the term of community supervision or that part remaining to be served if the community supervision was imposed before July 21, 1997.  If the court waives community supervision, the term of probation imposed shall be equal to or greater than the term of community supervision that would have been imposed.  If the court does not waive community supervision, the person shall begin serving the term of probation after the person serves the term of community supervision.  The state department of corrections shall provide reasonable notice to the probation department of the scheduled release of the inmate from confinement by the department.

L.  If at the time of sentencing the court is of the opinion that a sentence that the law requires the court to impose is clearly excessive, the court may enter a special order allowing the person sentenced to petition the board of executive clemency for a commutation of sentence within ninety days after the person is committed to the custody of the state department of corrections.  If the court enters a special order regarding commutation, the court shall set forth in writing its specific reasons for concluding that the sentence is clearly excessive.  The court shall allow both the state and the victim to submit a written statement on the matter.  The court's order, and reasons for its order, and the statements of the state and the victim shall be sent to the board of executive clemency. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Title 13, chapter 7, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 13-717, to read:

START_STATUTE13-717.  Sentence for misdemeanor convictions; community restitution; court‑ordered education or treatment

A.  If the court imposes a sentence to perform community restitution for a misdemeanor conviction pursuant to section 13‑603, the court shall determine and fix the number of hours of community restitution that are required.

B.  If the court imposes a sentence for a term of education or treatment for a misdemeanor conviction pursuant to section 13‑603, the term may not exceed the term of probation that is determined pursuant to section 13‑902, subsection A.  The court shall determine the program of education or treatment.

C.  This section does not preclude the court from imposing any other sentence that is authorized by law. END_STATUTE