Fifty-third Legislature                                                 Education

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1449




(Reference to Senate engrossed bill)




Page 3, line 3, strike "locally procured"

Lines 5 and 6, strike "locally procured"

Line 9, after "assessment" strike remainder of line

Line 15, strike "that is locally procured"

Line 32, strike "a locally procured" insert "an"

Line 39, strike "locally procured"

Page 4, line 1, strike "a locally procured" insert "an"

Line 8, strike "locally procured"

Strike lines 23 through 27

Reletter to conform

Page 5, line 5, before "On" insert "A."; strike "December 31" insert "September 1"

Line 8, after "achievement" insert "in grades three through eight and at least once in high school"; strike "sections" insert "section"; strike "and 15-741.02"

Line 9, after the period insert "The requests for proposals issued pursuant to this subsection shall include a requirement that proposals provide pricing options based on a varying number of assessments that may be administered per-pupil resulting from the availability of a menu of assessments pursuant to section 15-741.02, Arizona Revised Statutes.

B.  On or before September 1, 2018, the state board of education shall direct the department of education to issue a request for proposals to contract with a provider or providers for the purchase of a menu of assessments to measure pupil achievement pursuant to section 15-741.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, including the required availability of the menu of assessments for local education agencies that offer instruction in grades three through eight beginning in the 2019-2020 school year."

Amend title to conform








08:34 AM

H: AW/teg