Fifty-third Legislature                                                Government

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2168




(Reference to printed bill)




Page 6, between lines 17 and 18, insert:

"Sec. 4.  Section 33-1485.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1485.01.  Removal of mobile home from mobile home park; violation; joint and several liability

A.  A tenant or a tenant's successor in interest shall provide the landlord with a written notification of intent to remove a mobile home from a mobile home space.  The notification shall include the date the mobile home will be removed from the mobile home park, the name, address and telephone number of the person or entity that will be removing the mobile home from the mobile home park and the name, address and telephone number of the person or entity that will be the responsible party for restoring the mobile home space in accordance with the rental agreement and the mobile home park rules and regulations.  If the responsible party is not licensed by the Arizona department of housing or the registrar of contractors, the landlord may require a security deposit or surety bond of not more than one two thousand five hundred dollars minus the amount of any security deposit that was collected at the beginning of the tenant's tenancy.  The security deposit or surety bond shall be paid or provided before work begins on restoring the mobile home space and shall secure the cost of restoration if the responsible party fails to completely restore the mobile home space.  The landlord shall provide an accounting of any security deposit as prescribed in section 33‑1431, subsection C.

B.  A mobile home shall not be removed from a mobile home park by any tenant, any mobile home owner or any other person or entity unless the person or entity that is removing the mobile home has received from the landlord a written clearance for removal.  The landlord shall not interfere with the removal of a mobile home for any reason other than nonpayment of monies due as of the date of removal even if the term of the rental agreement has not expired.  The written clearance shall contain both of the following:

1.  A statement that all monies due for space rent as of the date of removal have been paid or that the landlord and that person or entity have otherwise agreed to the removal.

2.  The requirements for a mobile home space restoration as prescribed by the rental agreement and by the mobile home park rules and regulations and that shall be performed by the responsible party listed in the removal notification that is required by subsection A of this section.

C.  A person or entity who violates subsection B of this section shall be liable for two times the amount of any rents due.

D.  The responsible party identified in the removal notification that is removing a mobile home from a mobile home space shall also remove all accessory structures unless the landlord has agreed in writing to allow those structures to remain.  The responsible party identified in the removal notification that is removing the mobile home shall also remove all construction debris, trash and personal property on the rental space from the mobile home park and shall be responsible for restoring the space in accordance with the rental agreement and the mobile home park rules and regulations.  The rules and regulations may contain conditions regarding the removal of a mobile home from the mobile home park and the restoration of a mobile home space by a tenant or a tenant's successor in interest after removal of the mobile home.  The conditions shall not include any provisions regarding environmental liability or environmental remediation, and any environmental liability or environmental remediation requirements shall be governed as otherwise provided by law.  If a rental space does not satisfy the requirements of this section following removal of a mobile home, the landlord may provide the last tenant, the tenant's successor in interest or the mobile home owner and the responsible party identified in the removal notification with written notice that specifies what must be done to bring the space into compliance and that requests that the parties remedy the condition within ten days.  If the work is not completed within ten days, the landlord may cause the work to be done and shall prepare an itemized bill for the actual and reasonable cost or the fair and reasonable value of the work and submit it to the last tenant, the tenant's successor in interest or the mobile home owner and the responsible party identified in the removal notification.  All of those persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the expenses.END_STATUTE"

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform








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H: MH/ra