Fifty-third Legislature                                                    Health

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2322




(Reference to printed bill)




Page 1, line 26, after the period insert "Health insurer does not include a pharmacy benefits manager as defined in section 20‑3321."

Line 35, strike the first "or"

Line 42, after the period insert "On or before December 31, 2019, the health insurers shall adopt and implement a standard application."

Line 43, after "B." insert "To the greatest extent possible,"

Page 2, strike lines 3 through 7

Line 8, strike "20‑3404." insert "20‑3403."

Line 12, strike "sixty" insert "ninety"

Line 21, strike "20‑3405." insert "20‑3404."

Line 25, after the period insert "The applicant shall include in the application a contact name, telephone number and e‑mail address to address discrepancies in the application."

Line 33, after the period insert "A health insurer may request supplemental information to COMPLETE THE credentialing process."

Line 36, after "complete" insert "for the purposes of section 20‑3403"

Line 39, strike "this"; after "section" insert "20‑3403"

Line 42, after the period insert "If the health insurer has not received any response from the applicant after thirty calendar days, the insurer may deem the application withdrawn."

Strike lines 43 through 45, insert:

"F.  On receipt of a complete application, a health insurer must send the applicant a complete contract executed by the insurer.

G.  A health insurer that enters into a delegated credentialing agreement with a licensed health care facility or that participates in a health insurer credentialing alliance with equivalent or higher standards than as prescribed in this section is deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of this section."

Page 3, line 1, strike "20‑3406." insert "20‑3405."

Line 3, after "plan" insert "directory"

Line 5, after the period insert "A participating provider shall notify a health insurer of any change in the provider's name, address, telephone number, business structure or tax identification number within ten business days after making the change."

Line 6, strike "20‑3407." insert "20‑3406."

Line 8, strike "been approved to" insert "a fully executed"

Line 10, strike "effective date of the contract" insert "date of approval of the credentialing application"

Line 11, strike "20‑3408." insert "20‑3407."

Line 13, after "recredentialing" insert "and shall post the information on its website"

Between lines 18 and 19, insert:

"4.  Designated contact information, including a designated point of contact, an e-mail address and a telephone number to address any credentialing inquiries."

Line 23, strike "20‑3409." insert "20‑3408."

Amend title to conform






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