Second Regular Session S.B. 1376
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 2, line 5, after the period insert "the foregoing LIST of actions which may constitute a material and irreparable breach of a tenant's lease is NOT exhaustive."
Page 4, line 6, strike "i" insert "j"
Page 5, line 5, after the period insert "if the landlord does not immediately remove and release the abandoned animals to a shelter or boarding facility, the landlord shall provide reasonable care for the abandoned animals for the period prescribed BY subsection f of this section. if the landlord is unable or unwilling to provide reasonable care to the abandoned animals, the landlord shall notify the county enforcement agent as defined in section 11-1001 or an animal control officer as defined in section 9-499.04 of the presence of the tenant's abandoned animals on the property to be seized pursuant to section 13-4281. the landlord is not liable for any actions taken in good faith related to the removal, release, seizure or care of the abandoned animals pursuant to this section."
Amend title to conform