First Regular Session S.B. 1469
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, line 32, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 3, line 4, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 6, line 45, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 7, line 32, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 11, lines 24 and 29, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 12, line 44, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 13, line 30, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 14, line 34, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 17, line 36, after "institutions" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 19, line 20, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 23, line 27, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 26, line 45, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 27, line 42, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 28, line 6, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 29, line 41, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 30, line 17, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 31, line 40, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 32, line 22, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 36, line 9, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 41, line 18, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 45, line 28, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 46, line 22, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Line 31, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 48, line 39, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 49, line 4, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Line 42, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 50, lines 8 and 25, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Line 31, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Line 33, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 51, line 30, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 52, line 17, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 54, line 15, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 55, line 21, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 60, lines 20 and 28, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 61, line 34, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 64, line 26, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 67, line 19, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 68, line 7, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Line 8, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Line 43, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 71, line 44, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 73, line 26, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 75, line 18, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Line 20, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Line 33, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 78, lines 17 and 23, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 81, lines 10, 24 and 33, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 84, lines 22, 28, 31 and 35, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 86, lines 11, 12, 14 and 35, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 88, line 27, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 89, line 2, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 91, line 10, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 92, line 43, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Page 94, line 7, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
Lines 20, 22, 33 and 42, after "insurance" insert "and financial institutions"
After line 42, insert:
"Sec. 69. Conforming legislation
The legislative council staff shall prepare proposed legislation conforming the Arizona Revised Statutes to the provisions of this act for consideration in the fifty-fifth legislature, first regular session."
Renumber to conform
Page 95, line 2, strike "December 31, 2019" insert "June 30, 2020"
Amend title to conform