Number: S.B. 1483
Mesnard Floor Amendment
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
2. Allows a broker dealer or investment advisor to delay a transaction, in addition to any disbursement, from the account of an eligible adult in certain circumstances.
3. Requires a broker dealer or investment advisor that delays a disbursement or transaction to notify Adult Protective Services (APS) or the Corporation Commission (Commission) of the results of the broker dealer's or investment advisor's investigation on request, rather than within seven business days of the requested disbursement.
4. Allows a delayed disbursement or transaction to be extended by APS, the Commission or a court for more than 25 business days after the date on which the disbursement or transaction was first delayed.
5. Modifies the definition of qualified individual.
6. Makes technical and conforming changes.
First Regular Session S.B. 1483
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, line 30, strike "an agent" insert "a broker‑dealer"
Line 31, strike "representative"; strike the second "or" insert a comma; after "legal" insert "or senior investor protection"
Page 2, line 2, after "by" insert "or reasonably associated with"
Line 9, after "disbursements" insert "or transactions"
Lines 10, 15 and 16, after "disbursement" insert "or transaction"
Lines 20 and 25, strike "requested" insert "delayed"; after "disbursement" insert "or transaction"
Line 30, after "commission" strike remainder of line
Line 31, strike "disbursement" insert "on request"
Lines 32, 34 and 37, after "disbursement" insert "or transaction"
Line 42, after "disbursement" insert "or transaction"; strike "sooner" insert "otherwise"; after "terminated" insert "or further extended"
Page 3, lines 2, 7 and 9, after "disbursement" insert "or transaction"
Amend title to conform