Bill Number: S.B. 1550
Fann Floor Amendment
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
2. Requires the Secretary of State, if a political party opts out of participating in the 2020 PPE, to notify each county recorder, officer in charge of elections and the clerk of each county Board of Supervisors within five business days of receipt of the written opt-out notice from the party.
3. Makes the increased Information Technology Fund contribution rate of .43 percent of total payroll retroactive to July 1, 2019.
First Regular Session S.B. 1550
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 12, after line 12, insert:
"Sec. 19. Presidential preference election; opt out
Notwithstanding section 16-241, Arizona Revised Statutes, a political party that is eligible to participate in the 2020 presidential preference election pursuant to section 16-244, Arizona Revised Statutes, may opt out of participating in the presidential preference election by sending a written notice to the secretary of state on or before September 16, 2019. If a political party opts out of participating in the presidential preference election, the secretary of state shall notify each county recorder and officer in charge of elections and the clerk of each county board of supervisors not later than five business days after receiving the written notice from the political party that the 2020 presidential preference election for that party is canceled.
Sec. 20. Retroactivity
Section 18-401, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by this act applies retroactively to from and after June 30, 2019."
Amend title to conform