First Regular Session S.B. 1071
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 18, line 2, after "students" strike remainder of line
Strike line 3
Line 4, strike "statewide assessment for other students"
Line 5, strike "forty" insert “thirty-three”; after the period strike remainder of line
Strike lines 6 through 9
Line 10, strike “associated with the statewide assessment pursuant to section 15-741” insert “The policies shall include four performance classifications, designated as highly effective, effective, developing and ineffective”
Page 24, line 4, after “students” strike remainder of line
Strike line 5
Line 6, strike “statewide assessment for other students”
Line 7, strike “forty” insert “thirty-three”; after the period strike remainder of line
Strike lines 8 through 12, insert “The evaluation system shall include four performance classifications, designated as highly effective, effective, developing and ineffective.”
Amend title to conform