First Regular Session S.B. 1529
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, line 7, strike "seven"; after "members" insert "who are"
Line 19, strike "One member" insert "the chairman of the pest management division council,"
Line 20, strike "member's" insert "chairman's"; after "income" insert "to serve as a nonvoting advisory member of the advisory council pursuant to section 3‑3605 on department‑wide matters that impact the pest management division of the department or the pest management industry and whose presence is not counted for the purpose of determining the presence of a quorum"
Strike lines 21 through 23
Between lines 41 and 42, insert:
"3. Notify any advisory member of the advisory council when meeting agendas are posted. The absence of an advisory member does not prevent the advisory council from conducting business."
Page 2, after line 23, insert:
"Sec. 2. Section 3-3605, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
3-3605. Pest management division council; members; duties
A. The director shall establish by rule a pest management division council to assist and make recommendations to the director regarding the administration and implementation of this chapter. The director shall appoint five members to the council, including one public member.
B. The pest management division council shall:
1. Annually elect a chairman and vice chairman from among its members.
2. Meet at least once each calendar quarter and at additional times at the call of the chairman or if requested by at least three members of the council.
3. Keep a permanent record of council proceedings and make those records available for public inspection for any lawful purpose.
C. The pest management division council shall advise the director and the associate director of the division on matters pertaining to this chapter, including:
1. Review Reviewing pest management policy in this state as established by law and administered by the division.
2. Assist Assisting the director in formulating administrative rules for the division, including reviewing, advising and making recommendations to the director on proposed rules before the rules are adopted and recommending and initiating the rulemaking process for rules relating to this chapter.
3. Reviewing all modifications or repeals of rules relating to this chapter that are proposed by the director.
4. Making recommendations concerning amendments to existing statutes relating to this chapter.
5. Reviewing all proposed changes to statutes relating to this chapter that the department recommends to the legislature.
3. 6. Assist aSSISTING the director in developing proposed budgets for the division AND RECOMMENDING fees necessary to provide procedures and services relating to this chapter.
7. Recommending any other items that the council deems appropriate to further the purposes of this chapter.
4. 8. Provide providing additional assistance as the director deems necessary.
D. The pest management division council may review and discuss items before the department of agriculture advisory council that impact the division or the pest management industry.
E. The chairman of the pest management division council shall serve as an advisory member on the department of agriculture advisory council established pursuant to section 3‑104 on department‑wide matters that impact the division or the pest management industry.
C. F. If the director determines that the rulemaking recommendations of the pest management division council are practicable and in the best interests of the pest management industry and the public, the director shall accept the rulemaking recommendations. If the director rejects the rulemaking recommendations of the pest management division council, the director shall provide a written explanation of the reasons for the rejection to the division council not more than fifteen days after the director's decision to reject the recommendations.
D. G. The director shall include the comments of the pest management division council in the official record when adopting rules or budgets for the division."
Amend title to conform