Fifty-fourth Legislature                                                  Finance

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2494




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 1, line 11 strike "or an” insert a period

Strike line 12

Line 15 strike “both of

Strike lines 21 and 22

Line 23 strike “payments, shall” insert "3."; after “remit” insert “or associate

Strike lines 24 through 28 and insert:

c.  a health insurer that initiates or changes payment to a health care provider using the healthcare electronic funds transfers and remittance advice as codified in 45 cfr §§ 162.1601, 162.1602 may not charge a fee solely to transmit the payment to a health care provider unless the healthcare provider has consented to such a fee. a health care provider agent may charge reasonable fees when transmitting an eft ach related to transaction management, data management, portal services, and other value-added services above and beyond the bank transmittal."

Reletter to conform

Line 31, after "the" strike remainder of line

Strike lines 32 and 33 and insert "standard health care electronic funds transfers and remittance advice codified in 45 cfr §§162.1601, 162.1602."

Between lines 37 and 38 insert:

"3.  "health care provider agent" means a person or entity that contracts with a health care provider establishing an agency relationship to process bills for services provided by the health care provider under the terms and conditions of a contract between the agent and health care provider. such contracts may permit the agent to submit bills, request reconsideration, and receive reimbursement."

Renumber to conform

Page 2, line 5, after the second "insurer" insert "that has the contract with the provider"

Lines 6 and 9, after "the" insert "acquiring"

Amend title to conform



David Livingston




11:36 AM

S: CS/gs