HB 2292: appropriation; election equipment |
PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Fernandez, LD 4 BILL STATUS: Elections
Appropriates $20,000,000 from the General
Fund to the Secretary of State in fiscal year (FY) 2020.
The General Fund is used to account for all sources of state monies that are not associated with special purpose funds. It is used for core administrative and operating functions of the State (A.R.S. §35-141).
In addition to other powers and duties, the Secretary of State serves as the Chief Elections Officer of Arizona. One goal of the Office of the Secretary of State is to encourage more people to register to vote and become involved in their elections. They also certify voting devices, election results, candidates and measures to the ballot, as well as the results of statewide elections (www.azsos.gov).
1. Appropriates $20,000,000 from the General Fund to the Secretary of State in FY 2020 to provide grants to each county recorder's office for election equipment which includes scanners, printers, tabulation equipment and technology and equipment to facilitate the voter check-in process. (Sec. 1)
2. Stipulates that the Secretary of State must prioritize the allocation of monies to the areas of highest need based on the condition and age of the equipment in each county. (Sec. 1)
3. Exempts the appropriation from lapsing. (Sec. 1)
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7. Fifty-fourth Legislature HB 2292
8. First Regular Session Version 1: Elections
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