HB 2519: physician assistants; physician relationship |
S/E: supervision; physician assistants PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Barto, LD 15 BILL STATUS: Caucus and Cow |
Summary of the strike-everything amendment to HB 2519
Increases from four to six the number of physician assistants a physician may supervise.
A.R.S. § 32-2531 outlines a physician assistant's scope of practice. The supervising physician may delegate health care tasks to a physician assistant (PA). The PA may perform those duties and responsibilities, including the ordering, prescribing, dispensing and administration of drugs and medical devices. The PA may provide any medical service delegated by the supervising physician if the service is within the PA's skills and is within the physician's scope of practice. A PA may pronounce death and is the physician's agent in the performance in all practice related activities including the ordering of diagnostic, therapeutic and other medical services. A PA may practice in any setting authorized by the supervising physician. A.R.S. § 32-2533 provides that a physician may not supervise more than four PAs.
1. Increases the number of physician assistants that a supervising physician can supervise at the same time from four to six. (Sec. 1)
2. Makes technical changes. (Sec. 1)
Committee on Health and Human Services
1. The strike-everything amendment was adopted.
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5. Fifty-fourth Legislature HB 2519
6. First Regular Session Version 2: Caucus and Cow
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