HB 2616: registration of voters; payment; prohibition |
PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Townsend, LD 16 BILL STATUS: House Engrossed |
States that a person who pays or receives
money based on the number of voter registration forms submitted is guilty of a
Class 1 misdemeanor (6 months/$2500).
A county recorder, justice of the peace or deputy registrar is required to supply, free of charge, a voter registration form to any qualified person requesting registration information. The county recorder may also appoint deputy registers to assist in distribution of registration forms, to assist in registering voters and to accept completed registration forms. A deputy register must be a qualified elector and must serve without pay (A.R.S. §16-131).
1. Prohibits a person from paying or receiving money or any item of value based on the number of voter registration forms submitted. (Sec. 1)
2. Excludes an employee of a political party from penalty for paying or receiving payment based on the number of voter registration forms submitted. (Sec. 1)
3. Stipulates that a person who pays or receives payment for registering a person to vote is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (Sec. 1)
4. Requires groups and individuals who receive voter registration forms pursuant to statute to return or mail completed voter registration to the county recorder of where the individual resides, the Secretary of State or the county recorder that provided the form. (Sec. 2)
5. Specifies that completed voter registration forms must be postmarked within 10 days of the receipt of the registration or be received by the county recorder's application deadline, whichever is earlier. (Sec. 2)
6. States that a violation of this Act is subject to a civil penalty of up to $25 per day for each completed voter registration form withheld from submittal. (Sec. 2)
7. Stipulates that any person or group who receives voter registration forms pursuant to this Act and knowingly fails to submit a completed voter registration form by the deadline is guilty of a Class 6 felony (2 years/$150,000). (Sec. 2)
8. States that a person who knowingly alters a voter registration form without the consent of the person who is the registrant on that form is guilty of a Class 6 felony. (Sec. 3)
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12. Fifty-fourth Legislature HB 2616
13. First Regular Session Version 3: House Engrossed
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