HB 2724: GRRC; petition to request review |
PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Biasiucci, LD 5 BILL STATUS: Regulatory Affairs |
Allows a person to petition the Governor's
Regulatory Review Council (GRRC) for review of an existing practice,
substantive policy statement, enforcement action or final rule of the Citizens
Clean Election Commission (CCEC).
A.R.S. § 41-1033 outlines the process for a person to petition GRRC to request review of an existing agency practice, substantive policy statement, final rule or regulatory licensing requirement that does not meet certain statutory requirements. The GRRC chair is required to place a matter on an agenda if GRRC receives information that the statutory requirements are not being met and at least four members of GRRC request that the matter be heard in a public meeting. GRRC is required to notify the agency that a matter has been placed on an agenda within 10 days of the fourth request and must make a determination within 90 days. The agency is required to submit a statement addressing the matter within 30 days of notice from GRRC. An agency practice, policy statement, final rule or licensing requirement remains in effect while under GRRC consideration. GRRC may modify, revise or void an agency practice, policy statement, final rule or licensing requirement that is determined to not meet statutory requirements.
1. Allows a person to petition GRRC to request a review of an existing practice, policy statement, enforcement action or final rule of the CCEC. (Sec. 1)
2. Specifies that a petition must be based on a person's belief that the existing practice, policy statement, enforcement action or final rule:
a. Does not meet the statutory requirements;
b. Exceeds the agency's statutory authority; or
c. Violates the Arizona Constitution or the U.S. Constitution. (Sec. 1)
3. Requires GRRC to hold a public hearing to determine whether an existing practice, policy statement, enforcement action or final rule meets the aforementioned guidelines.
a. Specifies that this only applies if GRRC receives information indicating that the guidelines are not being met. (Sec. 1)
4. Requires an agency to submit a statement to GRRC addressing whether an existing practice, policy statement, enforcement action or final rule meets the guidelines.
a. Requires an agency to meet this requirement within 30 days after being notified by GRRC that the matter has been placed on an agenda. (Sec. 1)
5. Permits GRRC to modify, revise or void any practice, policy statement, enforcement action or final rule that is determined to not meet the guidelines. (Sec. 1)
6. Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1)
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10. Fifty-fourth Legislature HB 2724
11. First Regular Session Version 1: Regulatory Affairs
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