HCR2019: supporting proper forest management

S/E: support; water management policies

PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Griffin, LD 14

BILL STATUS: Natural Resources, Energy and Water



Summary of the Strike Everything Amendment to HCR 2019


☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteResolves that the Members of the Legislature continue the tradition of leadership and support for appropriate water management practices and policies and declares the Legislature's support of reasonable and prudent multiple-use forest management policies.


Arizona has developed and implemented water management policies including:

1.       The establishment of the Central Arizona Water Conservation District in 1971 to repay the federal government for the Central Arizona Project;

2.       The establishment of the Groundwater Management Act and Arizona Department of Water Resources in 1980;

3.       The passage of legislation in 1986 to provide for the underground storage of water for future uses with additional provisions enacted in 1994;

4.       The creation of the Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District in 1993 as a mechanism to provide for additional water supplies;

5.       The creation of the Arizona Water Banking Authority in 1996 to help ensure full use of Arizona's share of the Colorado River;

6.       The authorization for Arizona to participate in Minutes 319 and 323 to the 1944 Treaty with Mexico in 2012 and 2017 regarding the use of Colorado River water; and

7.       The authorization for Arizona to participate in the Drought Contingency Plan among the seven basin states of the Colorado River in 2019.


1.       Resolves that the Members of the Legislature continue the tradition of leadership and support for appropriate water management practices and policies that protect property and water rights, and that provide for the continued safety and prosperity of Arizona

2.       Declares the Legislature's support of reasonable and prudent multiple-use forest management policies to improve forest health.





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Fifty-fourth Legislature                               HCR 2019

First Regular Session                    Version 1: Natural Resources, Energy and Water


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