HCR2026: English language education; requirements

PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Fillmore, LD 16


                                Education: DP 13-0-0-0



☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteRepeals and modifies several English language learner (ELL) statutes.


Proposition 203 (2000) established various ELL requirements, including:

·         Requiring that all children Arizona public schools to be taught English through English language instruction in English language classrooms (A.R.S. § 15-752).

·         Mandating that children who are English learners shall be educated through sheltered English immersion during a temporary transition period not normally intended to exceed one year (A.R.S. § 15-752).

·         Allowing a child's parents or legal guardian to apply for a waiver so that their child can be transferred to classes teaching English and other subjects through bilingual education techniques or other educational methodologies permitted by law (A.R.S. § 15-753).

·         Permitting the parent or legal guardian of any Arizona child to have standing to sue for enforcement of ELL laws, and specifying that any school board member or other elected official or administrator who repeatedly refuses to enforce statute to be held personally liable for fees and actual and compensatory damages (A.R.S. § 15-754).

·         Mandating that a standardized, nationally-normed written test of academic subject matter in English be administered at least once each year to all Arizona public schoolchildren in grades 2-12 (A.R.S. § 15-755).

The next general election will be held on November 3, 2020.


1.       Repeals, upon voter approval, the following provisions of statute:

a.       Requiring that all children Arizona public schools to be taught English through English language instruction in English language classrooms. 

b.       Allowing a child's parents or legal guardian to apply for a waiver so that their child can be transferred to classes teaching English and other subjects through bilingual education techniques or other educational methodologies permitted by law.

c.        Permitting the parent or legal guardian of any Arizona child to have standing to sue for enforcement of ELL laws, and specifying that any school board member or other elected official or administrator who repeatedly refuses to enforce statute to be held personally liable for fees and actual and compensatory damages.

d.       Mandating that a standardized, nationally-normed written test of academic subject matter in English be administered at least once each year to all Arizona public schoolchildren in grades 2-12. (Sec. 1)

2.       Requires, upon voter approval, that each public school ensure that ELL students:

a.       Receive the highest quality of education;

b.       Master the English language; and

c.        Access high quality, innovative research-based language programs. (Sec. 2) 

3.       Allows, upon voter approval, school districts and charter schools to establish dual-language immersion program for both native and nonnative English speakers. (Sec. 3)

4.       Mandates, upon voter approval, that public schools provide students effective and appropriate instructional methods to establish English language acquisition programs and to solicit community and stakeholder input on these methods and programs. (Sec. 3)

5.       Requires Legislative Council to prepare proposed legislation that conforms Arizona Revised Statutes to the provisions of this bill for consideration in the 55th Legislature, 1st regular session. (Sec. 4)

6.       Requires the Secretary of State to submit this proposition to the voters at the next general election. (Sec. 4)

7.       Makes technical changes. (Sec. 2, 3)

8.       Makes a conforming change. (Sec. 3)




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Fifty-fourth Legislature                               HCR 2026

First Regular Session                    Version 1: Caucus & COW


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