HM2001: method 9 certification; training; frequency |
PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Blackman, LD 6 BILL STATUS: Transmitted to SOS |
the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to
require annual field training for EPA Method 9 certification.
Various industries are required to follow federal opacity standards and have a trained visible emission observer determine the level or frequency of visible emissions. These emissions are usually in the shape of a plume. Method 9 involves the determination of plume opacity by qualified observers and includes procedures for the training and certification of observers. To receive certification as a qualified observer, a candidate must be tested and demonstrate the ability to assign opacity readings in 5 percent increments to 25 different black plumes and 25 different white plumes. The certification is valid for 6 months after which the observer must repeat the qualification test to retain certification. (
1. Urges the Administrator of the EPA to implement steps to require annual, rather than biannual, field training during the winter months for EPA Method 9 certification.
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5. Fifty-fourth Legislature HM 2001
6. First Regular Session Version 4: Transmitted
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