SB 1021: commission for postsecondary education; continuation

PRIME SPONSOR: Senator Allen S, LD 6

BILL STATUS: House Engrossed




Continues the Commission for Postsecondary Education (Commission) and removes the Commission's power to conduct investigations.☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal Note


The Commission was established in 1974 by executive order to help provide all Arizona citizens with access to postsecondary education. The Commission was developed to administer grant and loan programs for individuals who attend or will attend postsecondary education institutions and provide a forum to public and private institutions for the discussion of issues related to postsecondary education (A.R.S. § 15-1851).

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-1852, the Commission may conduct investigations, hold hearings and determine methods of enforcement, issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents, administer oaths, take testimony, hear proof and receive exhibits into evidence.

The Commission is funded by the postsecondary education fund, which consists of monies appropriated by the Legislature; monies received from state agencies and political subdivisions of Arizona; monies received from the United States Government and Department of Education; and gifts, grants and donations received by any private source to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Commission (A.R.S. § 15-1853).


1.       Eliminates the Commission's abilities to conduct investigations, hold hearings, determine methods of enforcement, issue subpoenas to compel attendance of a witness and the production of documents, administer oaths, take testimony, and hear proof and receive exhibits into evidence. (Sec. 1)

2.       Continues, retroactive to July 1, 2019, the Commission until July 1, 2027 and repeals the termination of the Commission on July 1, 2019. (Sec. 3 and Sec. 6)

3.       Repeals the Commission's statutes on January 1, 2028. (Sec. 4)

4.       Contains a statement on the Commission's purpose. (Sec. 5)

5.       Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec.1 and Sec. 2)




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Fifty-fourth Legislature                       SB 1021

First Regular Session                            Version 3: House Engrossed


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