SB1104: education programs; juvenile detention centers

PRIME SPONSOR: Senator Carter, LD 15


                                Education: DP 11-0-0-2

                                Appropriations: DP 11-0-0-0



 ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteIncreases the base and variable amounts for detention center education funds and requires any excess fund monies to be used for classroom spending.


Each county that operates a juvenile detention center must offer an education program to serve all school-age children in its juvenile detention center. A county may operate its juvenile detention center education program through an existing accommodation school. If a county chooses not to operate this education program through an existing accommodation school, the county school superintendent may establish a detention center education fund to provide financial support to this education program. This fund consists of a base amount and a variable amount that are defined as follows:

·         In FY 1995, the base amount was $20,000. Beginning in FY 1996, the base amount was adjusted by a growth rate prescribed in statute, subject to appropriation.

·         In FY 1995, the variable amount was determined based on the number of days that each child had been in the detention center for more than 48 hours and received an instructional program of at least 240 minutes in the previous fiscal year. This value was then multiplied by $15 with adjustments for the growth rate prescribed in statute beginning in FY 1996, subject to appropriation. Additional monies are provided for children with disabilities.

Both the base amount and variable amount are funded with state General Fund monies, subject to appropriation (A.R.S. § 15-913). According to the Arizona Department of Education, these detention center education funds received a total of $522,735 in FY 2019 (see table below).

Juvenile detention center education funds, FY 2019


Amount received







Santa Cruz






La Paz




Source: Arizona Department of Education.





1.       Increases the base amount for the detention center education fund to $100,000 in FY 2020 and adjusts this amount by a growth rate prescribed in statute, subject to appropriation, beginning in FY 2021.

2.       Increases, from $15 per day to $25 per day, the variable amount per child for education programs in FY 2020 and adjusts this amount by a growth rate prescribed in statute, subject to appropriation, beginning in FY 2021.

3.       Requires any excess monies in the detention center education fund to be used to supplement classroom spending.

4.       Makes technical changes.




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Fifty-fourth Legislature                               SB 1104

First Regular Session                    Version 1: Caucus & COW


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