SB 1424: youth entrepreneurship; appropriation; pilot program

S/E: 2020 census; appropriation; outreach

PRIME SPONSOR: Senator Quezada, LD 29


                                Commerce W/D

                                Appropriations: DPA S/E 10-1-0-0


Summary of the Strike-Everything Amendment to SB1424


☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteAppropriates $5 million from the state General Fund (GF) to the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) in Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 to award a statewide contract to a vendor to conduct a communication and outreach effort before the 2020 United States decennial census.


The U.S. Census Bureau conducts a census every 10 years to determine the number of people living in the United States. The census is required by the U.S. Constitution and in 1954, Congress codified the Census Act and all other statutes authorizing the decennial census. The Census Bureau is required to notify Congress of the planned subject for the census no later than three years before the census and the specific wording of the questions to be asked no later than two years before the census (

The National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic and Other Populations released recommendations to the U.S. Census Bureau to identify new strategies for improved census operations, survey and data collection methods, including cost efficient ways to increase census participation. The main strategy for the 2020 Census is to work with local community contacts, stakeholders, community leaders and grassroot level programs to help with all recruiting efforts. This will supplement national and local broadcast media. The U.S. Census Bureau also recognizes the importance of reaching hard-to-count (HTC) populations and is aware that not all populations have access to the internet. The Census Bureau is actively engaged in research to determine the best ways to optimize response rates from all groups, including HTC populations (


1.       Appropriates $5 million from the GF in FY 2020 to ADOA to award a statewide contract to a vendor to conduct a communication and outreach effort before the 2020 United States decennial census for the purpose of increasing the response rate and accuracy of the census in this state. (Sec. 1)

2.       Stipulates that ADOA must award the contract through a competitive process pursuant to statute, to a vendor that demonstrates past success in implementing statewide communication and outreach strategies. (Sec. 1)

3.       Specifies that the contract shall require that:

a.       The vendor give equal priority to both the rural and urban portions of this state; and

b.       The communication and outreach effort include a focus on HTC populations. (Sec. 1)

4.       Exempts the appropriation made in this Act from the statutes relating to lapsing of appropriations. (Sec. 1)



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8.       Fifty-fourth Legislature                       SB 1424

9.       First Regular Session                            Version 2: Caucus & COW


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