SB 1445: pipeline valuation |
PRIME SPONSOR: Senator Borrelli, LD 5 BILL STATUS: Ways and Means |
Requires the Department of Revenue (DOR) to adjust the valuation of a pipeline for economic obsolescence and other criteria to determine full cash value.
Statute directs DOR to annually determine the valuation of all pipelines that operate in Arizona and report the locations, descriptions and valuations to the respective county assessor for inclusion on the county tax roll. (A.R.S. title 42, chapter 14, article 5)
1. Requires DOR to adjust the valuation of a pipeline for adjustments for economic obsolescence and other criteria to determine full cash value of pipelines. (Sec. 1)
2. Makes technical changes. (Sec. 1)
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6. Fifty-fourth Legislature SB 1445
7. First Regular Session Version 1: Ways and Means
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