Assigned to HEWD                                                                                                       AS PASSED BY HOUSE






Fifty-Fourth Legislature, First Regular Session



FACT SHEET FOR s.b. 1048


community colleges; admissions criteria


            An emergency measure that changes the minimum requirements for students under 18 years old to be admitted to an Arizona community college.


            Community college districts (districts) must adopt policies to admit students under 18 years old who complete course prerequisites. District policies must allow an Arizona community college to limit a student's semester hours to six credit hours, and require a community college to admit students who achieve one of the following: 1) a composite PSAT score of at least 93; 2) a composite SAT score of at least 930; 3) a composite ACT score of at least 22; 4) a passing score on relevant statewide assessment portions; 5) completion of a college placement test designated by the district that indicates the student is at the appropriate college level for the course; or 6) high school graduation or a high school certificate of equivalency (A.R.S. § 15-1805.01).

            There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.      Changes the minimum composite test scores a student under 18 years old must achieve for admission to an Arizona community college as follows:

a)      from 93 to 720, for the PSAT;

b)      from 930 to 720, for the SAT; and

c)      from 22 to 12, for the ACT.

2.      Replaces, with the option of a district-designated college placement method, the option of a district-designated college placement test for a student under 18 years old to meet Arizona community college admission requirements.

3.      Makes technical changes.

4.      Becomes effective on signature of the Governor, if the emergency clause is enacted.

Amendments Adopted by Committee

·         Adds an emergency clause.

Amendments Adopted by the House of Representatives

·         Updates the test names to reflect official name changes.

Senate Action                                                          House Action

HEWD            1/24/19      DPA     6-0-1                 ED                   3/11/19      DPA     13-0-0-0

3rd Read          2/13/19                    30-0-0               3rd Read          4/11/19                    60-0-0

Prepared by Senate Research

April 11, 2019
