Assigned to HHS & APPROP                                                                             AS PASSED BY COMMITTEE






Fifty-Fourth Legislature, First Regular Session





child care assistance; education; training


            Permits the Department of Economic Security (DES) to waive work requirements to continue to provide child care assistance to individuals that meet specified criteria.


            The federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Child Care and Development Fund grants provide matching funds to states for four categories through which a parent may qualify for child care assistance: 1) TANF clients engaged in employment activities through the DES Jobs Program; 2) former TANF clients who are working but earn less than 165 percent of the federal poverty level, with a mandatory; 3) foster parents and relatives caring for children under the supervision of the Department of Child Safety; and 4) at the state’s option, teen parents in school, parents in homeless shelters and working clients with low incomes may receive assistance, with a mandatory copay.

            Statute specifically requires DES to provide child care assistance to eligible families who are attempting to achieve independence from DES's Cash Assistance Program and who need child care assistance in order to accept or maintain employment, including families: 1)  who are transitioning off cash assistance due to increased income; 2) who are diverted from long-term cash assistance; and 3) with incomes of 165 percent or less of the federal poverty level. Additionally, DES is permitted to provide supplemental child care assistance for DES-approved education and training activities, if the eligible parent, guardian, relative or caretaker is working a minimum monthly average of 20 hours per week, the activity is related to the person's employment goals and the person demonstrates progress in the activity (A.R.S. § 46-803).

            There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.      Permits DES to waive a portion or the entirety of prescribed work requirements to provide child care assistance to a person who has been receiving assistance and who has enrolled
fulltime in any of the following educational or training activities, if the activity is related to the person's employment goals:

a)      an accredited educational institution;

b)      a remedial educational activity or employment training program that leads to a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma;

c)      a vocational, technical or trade certification; or

d)      an associate or bachelor's degree.

2.      Specifies that the person must demonstrate satisfactory progress in their education or training activity.

3.      Makes technical changes.

4.      Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by the Appropriations Committee

1.      Allows DES to waive work requirements to continue to provide supplemental child care assistance rather than requiring that supplemental child care assistance be continued for certain individuals.

2.      Specifies that a person who receives supplemental child care assistance must demonstrate progress in their required education or training activity.

Senate Action

HHS                2/6/19        DP       8-0-0

APPROP         2/19/19      DPA    9-0-0

Prepared by Senate Research

February 26, 2019
