Assigned to HHS & APPROP                                                                                                FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Fourth Legislature, First Regular Session




AHCCCS services; diabetes management


            Requires the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) to annually cover up to 10 program hours of outpatient diabetes self-management training (DSMT) for certain AHCCCS members under specified circumstances.


            AHCCCS was originally established by the Legislature, in 1981, as Arizona’s Medicaid Program to provide health insurance coverage for certain low-income individuals and families. AHCCCS uses federal, state and county funds to provide healthcare coverage to Arizona's acute and long-term care Medicaid populations. Statute requires AHCCCS contractors to provide specified medically-necessary health and medical services, with certain limitations and exclusions, to AHCCCS members including: 1) inpatient hospital services that are ordinarily furnished by a hospital for the care and treatment of inpatients and that are provided under the direction of a physician or a primary care practitioner; 2) outpatient health services that are ordinarily provided in hospitals, clinics, offices and other healthcare facilities by licensed healthcare providers;
3) laboratory and X-ray services ordered by a physician or a primary care practitioner;
4) medications that are ordered on prescription by a physician or a licensed dentist; 5) medical supplies, durable medical equipment, insulin pumps and prosthetic devices ordered by a physician or a primary care practitioner; 6) health screenings and diagnostic services; 7) podiatry services and orthotics; 8) hospice; 9) ambulance and non-ambulance transportation; 10) nonexperimental transplants; and 11) emergency dental care and extractions in an annual amount of $1,000 per AHCCCS member (A.R.S. §§ 36-2904 and 36-2907).

            DSMT educates individuals about diabetes management and includes training regarding healthy eating, remaining active, monitoring blood sugar and reducing risks. According to the American Diabetes Association, DSMT seeks to facilitate the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for optimal diabetes self-care and incorporates the needs, goals and life experiences of individuals with diabetes. The overall objective of DSMT is to support informed decision making, self-care behaviors, problem-solving and active collaboration with healthcare teams to improve clinical outcomes, health status and quality of life in a cost-effective manner. Currently, Medicare Part B covers ten hours of initial outpatient DSMT for individuals who have been diagnosed with diabetes, if the individual has a written order from the individual's doctor or another qualified practitioner.

            According to AHCCCS, there is an anticipated $1,168,000 fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.      Requires AHCCCS to annually cover up to 10 program hours of out-patient DSMT that is prescribed by a primary care practitioner, if:

a)      the AHCCCS member is diagnosed with diabetes;

b)      a change occurs in the AHCCCS member's diagnosis, medical condition or treatment regimen; or

c)      the individual is not meeting appropriate clinical outcomes.

2.      Makes technical and conforming changes.

3.      Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Prepared by Senate Research

February 18, 2019
