Fifty-Fourth Legislature, First Regular Session
dementia training standards; study committee
Establishes the Alzheimer's and Related Dementias Training Standards and Requirements Study Committee (Study Committee) and prescribes Study Committee membership and requirements.
Established in 2011, the Arizona Alzheimer's Task Force (AATF), was created in response to a rapidly growing population of Arizona families dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. In 2016, the AATF published the Arizona's Alzheimer's State Plan (Plan) that offers a framework for public and private sectors, businesses, organizations and communities to work together on common goals for Arizona, including: 1) maximizing public awareness and understanding; 2) developing new and enhancing existing supports for people with Alzheimer's disease and their families; 3) expanding the dementia-capable workforce in Arizona; 4) advancing and disseminating research; and 5) creating a dementia-capable system in Arizona.
There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.
1. Establishes the Study Committee consisting of the following Study Committee members:
a) three members of the House of Representatives who are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives (Speaker) and who are members of different political parties. The Speaker must designate one member to serve as cochair of the Study Committee (cochair);
b) three members of the Senate who are appointed by the President of the Senate (President) and who are members of different political parties. The President must designate one member to serve as cochair;
c) the Director of the Department of Health Services (Director) or the Director's designee who is a subject matter expert in healthy aging and Alzheimer's or related dementias;
d) at least two representatives of a nonprofit organization that engages in supporting Alzheimer's and dementia in Arizona through outreach, education, support services, advocacy and research funding, who are appointed by the cochairs;
e) at least one representative of a nonprofit organization that engages in health care policy who is appointed by the cochairs;
f) at least one representative of an organization that provides support to first responders in Arizona who is appointed by the cochairs;
g) a
representative of a membership organization that works to improve health and
well-being through advocacy, professional development and networking who is
appointed by the
h) a representative of an organization that is engaged in dementia training and support activities in Arizona who is appointed by the cochairs;
i) a representative of a public university in Arizona who is appointed by the cochairs;
j) a representative of an organization that provides support for health and wellness of people suffering with Alzheimer's or related dementias who is appointed by the cochairs;
k) at least two representatives from current law enforcement and first responders who have experience with Alzheimer's or related dementias who are appointed by the cochairs;
l) a
representative of a nonpartisan alliance of health and human services agencies,
faith-based communities and advocacy networks who is appointed by the cochairs;
m) at least one representative from the AATF;
n) at least one representative from the Governor's Office on Aging; and
o) the Governor's policy advisor on health or the policy advisor's designee.
2. Requires the Study Committee to:
a) evaluate, research and make actionable recommendations for establishing and implementing policy related to improved dementia-capable workforce training and standards with the goal of protecting first line responders and those living with Alzheimer's disease; and
b) focus on the feasibility and implications of mandating minimum training hour requirements, taking rural communities into account.
3. Allows the Study Committee to hold hearings, conduct fact-finding tours and take testimony from witnesses to fulfill the responsibilities of the Study Committee.
4. Directs the Legislature to provide staff and support services to the Study Committee.
5. Directs the Study Committee to submit a report, by December 31, 2019, that includes the Study Committee's findings and actionable recommendations, including recommendations for any legislation in 2020 to the Governor, President and Speaker.
6. Requires the Study Committee to provide a copy of the report to the Secretary of State.
7. Specifies that Study Committee members are not eligible for compensation but are eligible for reimbursement of expenses.
8. Repeals the Study Committee on October 1, 2020.
9. Becomes effective on the general effective date.
Prepared by Senate Research
February 18, 2019