Fifty-Fourth Legislature, First Regular Session
parks board; financial audit
Requires the Auditor General to conduct a financial audit of the Arizona State Parks Board (Board), including a review of the Board's financial statements relating to its governmental activities, major funds and the aggregate remaining fund information.
The Board is responsible for operating and maintaining all of Arizona's state parks, natural areas and historic and cultural areas. The Board must select, acquire, preserve and establish areas of natural features, scenic beauty, historical and scientific interest, and zoos and botanical gardens, for the education, pleasure, recreation and health of the people (A.R.S. § 41-511.03). The Board consists of the Land Commissioner and six members who are appointed by the Governor (A.R.S. § 41-511).
The Arizona Auditor General's Office is a legislative agency under the direction of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, which is composed of five senators and five representatives. The audits shall include the issuance of suitable reports so that the legislature, the federal government and others will be informed as to the adequacy of financial statements of the state in compliance with generally accepted governmental accounting principles and to determine whether the state has complied with laws and regulations that may have a material effect on the financial statements and on major federal assistance programs (A.R.S. 41-1279.3)
There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.
1. Requires the Auditor General to conduct a financial audit of the Board.
2. Instructs the Auditor General to include a review of the Board's financial statements relating to its governmental activities, major funds and the aggregate remaining fund information.
3. Allows the Auditor General to contract with a nationally recognized independent auditor to conduct the financial audit if the Auditor General determines that the appropriated monies are inadequate to conduct the audit.
4. Requires the Board to pay the cost incurred by the Auditor General in contracting with an independent auditor to conduct the financial audit.
5. Requires the Auditor General to submit, by November 15, 2020, copies of the financial audit to the Governor, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and provide a copy of the report to the Secretary of State.
6. Becomes effective on the general effective date.
Prepared by Senate Research
February 18, 2019