Assigned to HEWD                                                                                                           AS PASSED BY COW






Fifty-Fourth Legislature, First Regular Session





nursing shortage; plan; pilot program


            Requires the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) to establish a working group, including a long-term plan and pilot program, to address the nursing shortage in Arizona.


            The Arizona Constitution establishes ABOR as the governing entity for Arizona's university system which consists of Arizona State University (ASU), Northern Arizona University (NAU) and the University of Arizona (UA) (Ariz. Const. art. 11 § 5). Statute provides and defines ABOR’s general authority related to the universities, including fixing tuition rates and fees, establishing curricula, designating courses and prescribing student admissions qualifications to the universities (A.R.S. § 15-1626).

            The Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) was established in 1966 and consists of 16 committee members. JLBC makes recommendations regarding the state budget, evaluates state revenues and expenditures and projects future fiscal needs for the organization and function of state government.

            Currently, there are 89,509 registered nurses and 7,922 nurse practitioners in Arizona (Arizona State Board of Nursing).

            The fiscal impact of S.B. 1524 is currently unknown pending the ABOR FY 2021 budget request.


1.      Requires ABOR to appoint a working group that includes representatives of:

a)      ASU, NAU and UA;

b)      any community college district or private postsecondary institution that has a nursing program;

c)      healthcare facility employers;

d)      professional nursing organizations;

e)      the State Board of Nursing;

f)       the Department of Health Services; and

g)      nonprofit organizations providing research and education regarding the state's healthcare workforce.


2.      Instructs the working group to establish a long-term plan and pilot program to address the Arizona nursing shortage.

3.      Requires ABOR to include the long-term plan and pilot program in its FY 2021 budget request to JLBC.

4.      Repeals the working group on January 1, 2022.

5.      Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by Committee

·         Adds representatives from any community college district or private postsecondary institution that has a nursing program to the working group.

Amendment Adopted by Committee of the Whole

·         Adds representatives to the working group.

Senate Action

HEWD            2/11/19      DPA     7-0-0

Prepared by Senate Research

February 26, 2019
