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Fifty-Fourth Legislature, First Regular Session
CORP; accidental disability; definition
Redefines accidental disability as it relates to the Corrections Officer Retirement Plan (CORP).
CORP is a defined-benefit retirement plan that was established by the Legislature for eligible fulltime corrections officers, probation officers and dispatchers serving in the Arizona corrections system. The Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Board of Trustees administers, plans and operates CORP (A.R.S. § 38-882).
Current statute defines accidental disability as it relates to CORP as a physical or mental condition that the local board finds totally and permanently prevents an employee from performing a reasonable range of duties within the employee's department, was incurred in the performance of the employee's duties and was the result of any of the following: 1) physical contact with inmates, prisoners, parolees or persons on probation; 2) responding to a confrontational situation with inmates, prisoners, parolees or persons on probation; or 3) a job-related motor vehicle accident while on official business for the employee's employer. A job-related motor vehicle accident does not include an accident that occurs on the way to or from work. Persons found guilty of violating a personnel rule, a rule established by the employee's employer, or a state or federal law in connection with a job-related motor vehicle accident do not meet the conditions for accidental disability (A.R.S. § 38-881).
The Joint Legislative Budget Committee estimates the fiscal impact would begin FY 2022 with a cost of $281,000 and would grow to $1,600,000 by FY 2026 (JLBC fiscal note).
1. Redefines accidental disability as a physical or mental condition that the local board finds totally and permanently prevents an employee from performing a reasonable range of duties within the employee's department and was incurred in the performance of the employee's duties.
2. Makes technical changes.
3. Becomes effective on the general effective date.
Amendments Adopted by Committee
· Removes language specifying that an offered position must have equivalent pay and benefits within an employee's department when a local board determines a claimant's eligibility for accidental disability.
House Action Senate Action
PS 1/30/19 DP 7-0-0-0 APPROP 4/2/19 DPA 8-1-0
GOV 2/7/19 DP 10-1-0-0
3rd Read 3/27/19 58-2-0
Prepared by Senate Research
April 3, 2019