Assigned to HEWD                                                                                                           AS PASSED BY COW






Fifty-Fourth Legislature, First Regular Session





computer science; credit; mathematics; science

(NOW: computer science; credit; science; mathematics)


            An emergency measure that establishes priorities for the Arizona Department of Education's (ADE's) Computer Science Professional Development Program Fund (Computer Science Fund) grant application process. Requires the State Board of Education (SBE) and the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) to develop mathematics and science course guidelines.


            SBE rule requires a minimum of 22 credits for high school graduation, including 4 mathematics credits and 3 science credits. A school district governing board or charter school governing body may determine that a computer science course meets the SBE-prescribed Algebra II mathematics credit or credit that includes significant mathematics content (A.A.C. R7-2-302). Statute additionally requires a school district governing board to only approve a rigorous computer science course to fulfill a mathematics credit if the course includes significant mathematics content and the school offering the course has the sufficient capacity, infrastructure and qualified staff (A.R.S. § 15-701.01).

ADE administers the Computer Science Fund to provide grants to school districts and charter schools that do not currently provide high school computer science instruction. A grant applicant must demonstrate plans to provide quality training to prospective computer science teachers and grant recipients must provide evidence that the training addresses SBE-adopted academic standards for computer science.

Computer Science Fund grants are currently distributed on a first-come, first-served basis to school districts and charter schools that meet the eligibility requirements. ADE may not distribute more than 50 percent of the fiscal year's state General Fund appropriation unless ADE receives matching monies from private sources (A.R.S. § 15-249.12).

            There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.      Requires the ADE grant application process for Computer Science Fund grants to prioritize awards to eligible schools that either:

a)      have at least 60 percent of students enrolled who are eligible for free and reduced-priced lunches under the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Acts; or

b)      are rural public schools.

2.      Requires the SBE and ABOR to develop guidelines for school districts and charter schools on the rigor and content required for mathematics or science courses to meet SBE-established high school graduation requirements and ABOR-established university admission requirements.

3.      Requires the SBE and ABOR to prioritize the development of guidelines for computer science and integrated science courses.

4.      Requires the SBE and ABOR to develop the guidelines in cooperation with public universities, the appropriate mathematics and science teaching communities and related workforce industry representatives.

5.      Mandates that the guidelines be made available to the public.

6.      Requires ABOR to review its current course review process by which charter schools and school districts submit courses to determine if a course meets university admissions standards to ensure the process is timely and transparent.

7.      Repeals the SBE and ABOR requirements on July 1, 2020.

8.      Specifies that ADE may distribute the latter 50 percent of a fiscal year's state General Fund appropriation upon receipt of matching private gifts, grants or donations of monies or in-kind services, rather than matching private monies.

9.      Expands program eligibility from school district and charter schools to all public schools that do not provide computer science instruction.

10.  Defines rural schools as a public school located in a county that either:

a)      has a population that is less than or equal to 10 percent of Arizona's population; or

b)      has a population that exceeds 10 percent of Arizona's population but is located more than 10 miles from a municipality with a population of more than 50,000 persons.

11.  Makes technical and conforming changes.

12.  Becomes effective on signature of the Governor, if the emergency clause is enacted.

Amendments Adopted by Committee of the Whole

·         Adopted the strike-everything amendment.

Senate Action

HEWD            3/18/19      DPA/SE     6-0-1

Prepared by Senate Research

April 4, 2019
