Fifty-fourth Legislature                                Health and Human Services

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1535




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 1, line 3, strike "section" insert "sections"; after "36‑2907.14" insert "and 36‑2907.15"

Line 7, strike "only"; after "reimburse" insert "an"; strike "providers" insert "provider"

Line 8, after "members" strike remainder of line

Strike lines 9 through 11, insert "only if the provider demonstrates enforcement of each plan contained in the annual report pursuant to subsection B of this section and the administration approves the report pursuant to subsection C of this section."

Line 28, after "concerns" insert ", concerns regarding adequate parking for patients and staff"

Line 38, strike "patient" insert "patients"

Between lines 40 and 41, insert:

"4.  A community relations and education plan that includes policies and procedures to measure and minimize the negative impact the opioid treatment program may have on the community, to promote peaceful coexistence and to plan for change in the program and program growth, including:

(a)  Considering community needs and impacts when selecting a site for the program or program growth.

(b)  Considering community input on the potential impact the program may have on the community.

(c)  Maintaining a clean and orderly facility that does not impede pedestrian or traffic flow.

(d)  Communicating with community leaders to foster good community relations.

(e)  Developing and implementing a community relations plan that is specified to the needs of the program within its community and that includes the following actions:

(i)  Establishing a liaison with community representatives to share information about the program, the community and mutual concerns and issues.

(ii)  Identifying program personnel who will function as community relations coordinators and define the goals and procedures of the community relations plan.

(iii)  Serving as a community resource on substance use and related health and social issues as well as promoting the benefit of medication‑assisted treatment in preserving the public health.

(iv)  Soliciting community input about medication‑assisted treatment and the program's presence in the community.

(v)  Developing program policies and procedures to effectively address or resolve community problems, including patient loitering and medication diversion, and ensuring that program operations do not affect community life adversely.

(vi)  Documenting community contacts and community relations efforts and evaluating the effectiveness of activities over time in addressing outstanding problems or deficiencies.

(vii)  Developing communication mechanisms that provide interested parties and potential patients with general information about the program outside of regular operating hours.

5.  A current diversion control plan that contains specific measures to reduce the possibility of diversion of controlled substances from legitimate treatment use."

Renumber to conform

Page 2, line 15, after the comma insert "or does not demonstrate enforcement of each plan contained in the report"; after "or" insert "if"

Page 2, strike lines 20 through 28

Reletter to conform

Lines 32 and 33, strike "and that includes the standards adopted pursuant to subsection D of this section"

After line 41, insert:

START_STATUTE"36-2907.15.  Opioid use disorder treatment; standards; centers of excellence; annual report

A.  On or before December 31, 2019, the administration and the department of health services shall establish standards for designating centers of excellence for treating opioid use disorder statewide. At a minimum, the standards shall include:

1.  Information regarding opioid treatment program providers and facilities.

2.  Information regarding office based opioid agonist treatment providers.

3.  Parameters to ensure coordination of care that includes behavioral health, physical health and medication‑assisted treatment for opioid use disorder.

4.  Tracking and reporting requirements that identify:

(a)  Treatment capacity.

(b)  Quantitative metrics related to quality of care and patient outcomes.

(c)  Qualitative metrics related to patient satisfaction.

5.  An annual evaluation by a third‑party auditor of the accuracy and completeness of data provided by the centers of excellence.

B.  the administration shall publish on the administration's public website the standards for designating centers of excellence for treating opioid use disorder developed pursuant to subsection A of this section.

C.  The administration shall establish a statewide learning collaborative to share best practices and establish peer-to-peer support between centers of excellence.

D.  The administration shall maintain an accurate list of designated centers of excellence, including contact information, on its website.

E.  Designated centers of excellence shall:

1.  Increase capacity for treating opioid use disorder in opioid treatment programs and office‑based opioid agonist treatment statewide.

2.  Demonstrate effective delivery of medication‑assisted treatment for opioid use disorder using evidence‑based practices as defined by the substance abuse and mental health services administration and the American society of addiction medicine.

3.  Comply with all tracking, reporting and evaluation requirements.

4.  Participate in the statewide learning collaborative.

F.  On or before January 15 of each year, the administration shall submit a report to the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives, and shall provide a copy to the secretary of state, outlining:

1.  The standards for designating centers of excellence.

2.  The statewide list of designated centers of excellence.

3.  A summary of the performance of the centers of excellence.END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Arizona opioid use disorder review council; members; duties; annual report; delayed repeal

A.  The Arizona opioid use disorder review council is established consisting of the following members:

1.  The chairpersons of the health and human services committees of the senate and the house of representatives, who shall serve as cochairpersons.

2.  The director of the Arizona health care cost containment system or the director's designee.

3.  The director of the department of health services or the director's designee.

4.  The following members who are appointed by the governor:

(a)  Two family members of individuals who currently receive medication‑assisted treatment for opioid use disorder.

(b)  Three representatives from managed care organizations contracted with the Arizona health care cost containment system. Each member appointed under this subdivision shall represent a geographic service area.

(c)  A clinician with expertise in medication‑assisted treatment in an opioid treatment program.

(d)  A clinician with expertise in medication‑assisted treatment in an office‑based opioid agonist treatment program.

(e)  A representative from a city with a population of more than one million four hundred thousand persons.

(f)  A representative from a county with a population of more than one million persons.

(g)  A representative from a county with a population of less than one million persons.

B.  Appointed members shall serve at the pleasure of the governor.

C.  Council members are not eligible to receive compensation, but members appointed by the governor are eligible for reimbursement of expenses under title 38, chapter 4, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes.

D.  The council shall:

1.  Review and make recommendations to the Arizona health care cost containment system regarding:

(a)  The standards for designating centers of excellence for medication‑assisted treatment for opioid use disorder.

(b)  The reporting requirements for care delivery activities in designated centers of excellence.

(c)  Direct access to all United States food and drug administration‑approved medications for treating opioid use disorder and whether utilization controls are appropriate.

2.  Recommend to the legislature changes to the laws regarding medication‑assisted treatment for opioid use disorder.

3.  On or before December 15 of each year, submit a report regarding the council's activities and recommendations to the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives and provide a copy of this report to the secretary of state.

E.  The Arizona health care cost containment system and the department of health services shall provide technical assistance to the Arizona opioid use disorder review council.

F.  This section is repealed from and after December 31, 2023."

Amend title to conform







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