Fann Floor Amendment
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
1. Adds remediating sewage discharge issues in all border areas of Arizona, rather than just in Naco, Arizona, to permitted uses of the Underground Storage Tank Revolving Fund (UST Revolving Fund) in FY 2020.
2. Decreases the FY 2020 Water Quality Assurance Revolving Fund (WQARF) appropriation from the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Fund by $1 million, to a total of $2.8 million.
3. Decreases the FY 2020 WQARF appropriation from the Air Quality Fund by $2 million, to a total of $2.6 million.
4. Decreases the FY 2020 WQARF appropriation from the Permit Administration Fund by $1 million, to a total of $1 million.
5. Removes the FY 2020 $1 million WQARF appropriation from the Water Quality Fee Fund and instead appropriates $5 million in FY 2020 from the UST Revolving Fund.
6. Removes the limitation of which Permit Administration Fund monies may be used for staff support of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
7. Makes technical changes.
First Regular Session S.B. 1556
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, line 17, strike "of the same design or"
Line 18, strike "figure"; strike "a"
Line 19, after "brand" insert "of the same design or figure"
Page 5, line 23, strike ": , " insert ","
Line 24, strike "(a)"
Line 26, strike "(b)" insert "3."
Page 6, line 18, strike "article 8 of"
Page 7, line 15, after "Arizona" insert "and other border areas of Arizona"
Line 32, strike "$3,800,000" insert "$2,800,000"
Line 34, strike "$4,600,000" insert "$2,600,000"
Strike lines 36 and 37, insert:
"3. $5,000,000 from the underground storage tank revolving fund established by section 49‑1015, Arizona Revised Statutes."
Line 38, strike "$2,000,000" insert "$1,000,000"
Amend title to conform