State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2269

            Gowan Floor Amendment

            Reference to: APPROPRIATIONS Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.    Requires a candidate for legislative office to be a qualified elector of and reside in the district which the candidate proposes to represent for one year before the date of the election, rather than before the date of filing for nomination.

2.    Applies, to the 75 percent of one-year residency requirement, any days of active or reserve military duty and any days during which a legislative candidate is required by the candidate's occupation to travel out of the state.

3.    Allows a legislative candidate to meet the one-year residency requirement for the first legislative election after legislative redistricting by aggregating the time of residence in the candidate's previous and new legislative districts, if the candidate's residence in the new district is within 10 miles of the candidate's previous district boundary line.


Fifty-fourth Legislature                                                    Gowan

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2269




(Reference to APPROPRIATIONS Committee amendment)



Page 2, line 14, strike "filing" insert "the election"

Line 17, after the period insert "For candidates for legislative office, any days of active or reserve military duty and any days during which the CANDIDATE is required by the CANDIDATE'S occupation or EMPLOYMENT TO travel OUTSIDE of this state are deemed to constitute a portion of the seventy‑five percent residency requirement.  For the one-year requirement for the first legislative ELECTION that occurs using LEGISLATIVE district lines that are revised after legislative redistricting, a legislative candidate may aggregate the time of residence in the candidate's previous legislative district with the time of residence in the candidate's new legislative district if the CANDIDATE'S residence in the new district is within ten miles of the district boundary line of the CANDIDATE'S previous district."

Page 5, line 21, strike "filing" insert "the election"

Line 23, after the period insert "For candidates for legislative office, any days of active or reserve military duty and any days during which the CANDIDATE is required by the CANDIDATE'S occupation or EMPLOYMENT TO travel OUTSIDE of this state are deemed to constitute a portion of the seventy‑five percent residency requirement.  For the one-year requirement for the first legislative ELECTION that occurs using LEGISLATIVE district lines that are revised after legislative redistricting, a legislative candidate may aggregate the time of residence in the candidate's previous legislative district with the time of residence in the candidate's new legislative district if the CANDIDATE'S residence in the new district is within ten miles of the district boundary line of the CANDIDATE'S previous district."

Amend title to conform







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