State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2446

            Gowan Floor Amendment

            Reference to: House engrossed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.    Requires the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) to design six different Women Veteran special plates that include a seal of each military branch.

2.    Specifies that a person must submit proof of service to ADOT or be an immediate family member of a veteran in order to qualify for a Women Veteran special plate with a specific military branch seal.

3.    Specifies that a person may apply for a version of the Women Veteran special plate without a seal even if the person is not a veteran or veteran's immediate family member.

4.    Makes technical and conforming changes.



Fifty-fourth Legislature                         Transportation and Public Safety

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2446




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 3, between lines 3 and 4, insert:

"Sec. 3.  Section 28-2447, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-2447.  Women veteran special plates

A.  The department of veterans' services shall pay thirty-two thousand dollars from the veterans' donations fund established by section 41‑608 to the department of transportation for implementation of this section.  The department of transportation shall design and issue women veteran special plates.  The department of veterans' services shall design the women veteran special plates.  The design and color of the women veteran special plates are subject to the approval of the department of transportation.  Each women veteran special plate shall contain a red, white and blue design and the designation "women veterans" at the bottom of the plate.  the department shall design six different women veteran special plates as follows:

1.  One plate shall contain a logo design to be approved by the director and shall be available to any applicant, even if the applicant is not a veteran or a veteran's immediate family member.

2.  One plate shall contain a United States army seal.

3.  One plate shall contain a United States navy seal.

4.  One plate shall contain a United States marine corps seal.

5.  One plate shall contain a United States air force seal.

6.  One plate shall contain a United States coast guard seal.

B.  an applicant may select the women veteran special plate design Only if the applicant is either:

1.  A person who submits satisfactory proof to the department that the person is a veteran.

2.  The immediate family member of a person who has been issued a women veteran special plate pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subsection.

C.  An applicant who is not described in subsection B of this section may only receive a women veteran special plate design prescribed by subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section.

D.  The director of the department of transportation may allow a request for women veteran special plates to be combined with a request for personalized special plates.  If the director of the department of transportation allows such a combination, the request shall be in a form prescribed by the director of the department of transportation and is subject to the fees for the personalized special plates in addition to the fees required for the women veteran special plates.

B.  E.  Of the twenty-five dollar $25 fee required by section 28‑2402 for the original special plates and for renewal of special plates, eight dollars $8 is a special plate administration fee and seventeen dollars $17 is an annual donation.

C.  F.  The department shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35‑146 and 35‑147, all special plate administration fees in the state highway fund established by section 28‑6991 and all donations collected pursuant to this section in the veterans' donations fund established by section 41‑608."END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 10, line 11, strike "C" insert "F"

Page 11, line 2, strike "10" insert "11"

Amend title to conform

david gowan



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