PREFILED    JAN 10 2019

REFERENCE TITLE: microbrewery; farm winery; licenses; designation





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fourth Legislature

First Regular Session





HB 2051


Introduced by

Representative Shope





amending sections 4-205.09 and 4-205.12, arizona revised statutes; relating to liquor licenses.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 4-205.09, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE4-205.09.  Microbrewery and farm winery licenses on same land; requirements

A.  The director may issue a domestic microbrewery license located on the same parcel of land as a domestic farm winery subject to the following conditions:

1.  The licenses of the domestic microbrewery and the domestic farm winery shall be held by different persons.

2.  The domestic microbrewery and the domestic farm winery shall be located in separate buildings that are licensed separately.

3.  The domestic microbrewery and the domestic farm winery may share a common tasting room and indoor and outdoor premises for tasting and for consumption of microbrewery and farm winery products.

4.  The domestic microbrewery and domestic farm winery shall each comply fully with all applicable requirements prescribed in section sections 4‑205.04 and section 4‑205.08.

5.  Persons who hold a domestic microbrewery license or a domestic farm winery license with combined premises under this section shall not hold any other license issued pursuant to this title.

B.  A domestic microbrewery and a domestic farm winery that share a common tasting room and indoor and outdoor premises as provided in subsection A, paragraph 3 of this section may each be held liable for any violation of this title. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 4-205.12, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE4-205.12.  Tasting rooms with shared patios

A.  The director may issue a remote tasting room license to a craft distiller or a domestic farm winery for a tasting room that is located on the same property as another remote tasting room license, subject to the following conditions:

1.  Each remote tasting room license shall be held by a different person.

2.  Each license shall be located in separate premises that are licensed separately.

3.  Remote tasting room licensees may share a common indoor area and common outdoor patio for tasting and for consumption of their products.

4.  The remote tasting room licensees shall each comply fully with all applicable requirements prescribed in sections 4‑205.04 and 4‑205.10.

5.  Remote tasting room licenses with a combined premises under this section cannot be stacked with any other license issued pursuant to this title.

B.  All remote tasting room licensees that share a common indoor area and outdoor patio as provided in subsection A, paragraph 3 of this section may each be held liable for any violation of this title. END_STATUTE