Fifty-fourth Legislature                        Natural Resources, Energy & Water

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2545




(Reference to printed bill)




Page 5, line 21, strike "from and after"

Page 6, line 5, after "D." insert "Except as provided in section 45-615.01, subsection G,"

Page 7, line 32, after "districts" insert "established pursuant to title 48, chapter 19"

Page 9, strike line 13

Line 14, strike "AUTHORIZED the storage of effluent at"; after "facility" insert "qualified as an EXISTING effluent managed underground storage facility under subdivision (a), (c) or (d) of this paragraph at any time before the renewal or modification"

Page 13, strike lines 3 through 5, insert:

"(i)  (f)  Effluent."

Line 6, strike "(i)" insert "(g)"

Line 9, strike "(ii)" insert "(h)"

Line 13, strike "(h)" insert "(i)"

Page 14, strike line 9

Line 10, strike "authorized the storage of effluent at"; after "facility" insert "QUALIFIED as an EXISTING effluent managed underground storage facility under subdivision (a), (c) or (d) of this paragraph at any time before the renewal or modification"

Page 17, strike lines 38 through 40, insert:

"(i)  (f)  Effluent."

Line 41, strike "(i)" insert "(g)"

Page 17, line 44, strike "(ii)" insert "(h)"

Page 18, line 3, strike "(h)" insert "(i)"

Line 32, after "that" strike remainder of line

Line 33, strike "underground storage FACILITY and that"

Line 35, after "park" insert "and subsection F of this section does not apply"

Page 19, line 29, after "facility" insert "located in an active management area that does not have a management goal of achieving or maintaining a safe yield condition, the water was stored between january 1, 2020 and December 31, 2026"

Line 30, after "storage" strike remainder of line

Strike line 31, insert "assists in implementing within this state a drought contingency plan for the lower basin of the Colorado River.  The total maximum amount that may qualify under this subdivision is fifteen thousand acre‑feet per year."

Page 23, line 17, after "credits" strike remainder of line

Strike line 18

Line 19, strike "credits were" insert "may not be used to demonstrate an assured water supply or an adequate water supply if the long-term storage credits were"

Line 21, strike, "may be used to"

Strike line 22

Line 23, strike "both" insert "and any"; strike "apply" insert "applies"

Line 24, strike "qualifies" insert "does not qualify"

Line 26, after the first "the" insert "managed underground storage facility QUALIFIES AS an existing effluent managed UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY and the"; strike "after" insert "before"

Strike lines 28 through 44

Page 24, strike lines 1 through 22, insert:

"3.  The long-term storage credits were accrued in the amount of ninety-five percent of the recoverable amount of water that meets the requirements of section 45-852.01, subsection B."

Renumber to conform

Page 25, between lines 27 and 28, insert:

"Sec. 15.  Laws 2017, chapter 305, section 132 is amended to read:

Sec. 132.  Department of water resources; appropriations; contributions to Lake Mead conservation efforts; temporary groundwater and irrigation efficiency projects fund; conservation and augmentation fund; exemption

A.  The sum of $2,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in each of fiscal years year 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 to the department of water resources to use for this state's financial contributions to efforts by Arizona's Colorado River water users to conserve water in Lake Mead to reduce the likelihood of lake elevations dropping to levels that could result in reductions to Arizona's Colorado River allocation.

B.  The sum of $2,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2018-2019 to the TEMPORARY groundwater and irrigation efficiency projects fund ESTABLISHED by section 45-615.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act.

C.  The sum of $2,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2019-2020 to the augmentation and conservation assistance fund in the department of water resources for the purpose of providing additional monies for conservation grants for conservation of groundwater in the active management areas as prescribed in section 45-617, Arizona Revised Statutes.

B.  D.  The appropriations made in subsection A of this section are exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations.

Sec. 16.  Director of water resources; lower basin drought contingency plan implementation; notice, report

The director of water resources shall:

1.  Promptly provide notice to the committees with jurisdiction over water issues in the house of representatives and the senate regarding any meeting of a public body to consider or take action on an agreement intended to implement the lower basin drought contingency plan.

2.  Present information to the committees with jurisdiction over water issues in the house of representatives and the senate regarding the status of any agreement intended to implement the lower basin drought contingency plan before the director executes any such agreement.

3.  Report to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the governor and the committees with jurisdiction over water issues in the house of representatives and the senate on the status of any agreement necessary to the intrastate drought contingency implementation plan thirty, sixty and ninety days after enactment of the joint resolution regarding the Colorado River drought contingency implementation plan."

Renumber to conform

Page 26, line 37, after "districts" insert "established pursuant to title 48, chapter 19, Arizona Revised Statutes,"

Line 42, after "districts" insert "established pursuant to title 48, chapter 19, Arizona Revised Statutes,"

Line 43, after the period insert "The legislature intends that these construction and rehabilitation projects be completed by the end of 2022, recognizing that completion by that date depends on action on applications for monies and the timely receipt of grants from federal agencies, in addition to the other monies in the fund.  Because the timing for the issuance of grants from federal agencies is uncertain, the legislature will consider other appropriations to be made available to the irrigation districts for these construction and rehabilitation projects after reasonable attempts are made to secure the funding and that federal monies were not provided timely to carry out the purposes of the fund."

Page 27, between lines 2 and 3, insert:

"Sec. 19.  Legislative intent; lower Colorado River drought contingency plan

A.  The drought contingency plan is a compromise between various states and Arizona stakeholders, is intended to help address shortages in the Colorado River system and is the product of months of stakeholder meetings with input from a wide array of persons in this state.

B.  The drought contingency plan is one of the most significant pieces of water legislation enacted in this state since the 1980 groundwater management act.  It is the first step, not the last step, in a renewed effort to create long-term solutions that protect Arizona's water future.

C.  The health of the Colorado River is essential to the long-term economic welfare of the people of Arizona, and this state must continue to develop sustainable long-term plans that protect our water supply and encourage a culture of conservation."

Renumber to conform

Line 5, strike "$5,000,000" insert "$7,000,000"

Amend title to conform







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