Fifty-fourth Legislature                                                Education

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2563




(Reference to printed bill)



Page 17, line 3, strike "definition" insert "definitions"

Page 19, strike lines 10 and 11

Renumber to conform

Strike line 15, insert:

"9.  School safety."

Between lines 16 and 17, insert:

"11.  Accountability purposes as prescribed in section 15‑241 and chapter 9, article 8 of this title."

Page 20, strike lines 32 through 34

Reletter to conform

Line 35, strike ", " insert ":"

Line 41, after "2." insert "1."

After line 44, insert:

"2.  "Student support services" means any expenditure in the student support services function as defined in the uniform system of financial records."

Page 23, line 11, strike "(a), item (ii)" insert "(b)"

Page 24, line 5, after "subdivision" strike remainder of line

Line 6, strike "(iii)" insert "(c)"

Line 23, strike "and" insert a comma

Line 24, after "district" insert "and community college that is owned, operated or chartered by a qualifying indian tribe on its own indian reservation"; strike "district's" insert "entity's"

Page 34, line 8, strike "seventy" insert "seventy‑five"

Page 34, line 10, after "15‑977" insert ", except:

(a)  $86,280,500 of the amount distributed pursuant to this paragraph shall be paid annually in monthly installments to the department of education to fund basic state aid.

(b)  After the payment prescribed in subdivision (a) of this paragraph, $1,500,000 of the amount distributed pursuant to this paragraph shall be paid annually in monthly installments to the auditor general to report on the use of appropriated monies pursuant to this section by school districts, charter schools, community college districts and universities in this state. School districts, charter schools, community college districts and universities in this state shall cooperate with and provide all necessary information and data to the auditor general in a format prescribed by the auditor general"

Line 13, strike "thirty‑four percent" insert "$78,000,000"

Line 15, after the period insert "Beginning in fiscal year 2022‑2023, the amount distributed pursuant to this subdivision from the previous fiscal year shall be increased annually by two percent."

Line 16, after "(b)" strike remainder of line

Line 17, strike "paragraph" insert "After the distribution prescribed in subdivision (a) of this paragraph, the remaining monies shall be distributed"

Strike line 22

Line 23, strike "(i)  $1,000,000" insert "(a)  $1,500,000"

Strike lines 26 through 29, insert:

"(b)  the following amounts to each provisional community college district established pursuant to section 15‑1409 and to the treasurer or other designated depository of each qualifying Indian tribe for each community college that is owned, operated or charted on its Indian reservation based on the full‑time equivalent student count provided in each item of this subdivision, except a community college tuition financing district established pursuant to section 15‑1409 may not receive monies pursuant to this subdivision:

(i)  for a full‑time equivalent student count of more than one hundred but less than two hundred fifty, $100,000.

(ii)  For a full‑time equivalent student count of at least two hundred fifty but less than five hundred, $250,000.

(iii)  For a full‑time equivalent student count of at least five hundred but less than seven hundred fifty, $500,000.

(iv)  For a full‑time equivalent student count of at least seven hundred fifty but less than nine hundred, $1,000,000.

(v)  For a full‑time equivalent student count of at least nine hundred, $1,500,000."

Page 34, line 30, strike "(iii)" insert "(c)"; strike "and" insert a comma

Line 31, after "district" insert "and qualifying indian tribe"; after "in" strike remainder of line

Line 32, strike "(ii) of this subdivision" insert "subdivision (b), items (i) through (v) of this paragraph"

Strike lines 34 through 45

Page 35, strike lines 1 through 15

Line 23, strike "subsection A, paragraphs 3 and 4 of"

Page 38, line 41, strike "____" insert "2024"

Amend title to conform







10:56 AM

C: ed