Fifty-fourth Legislature                                           Appropriations

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2747




(Reference to printed bill)




Page 86, between lines 8 and 9 insert:

"Sec. 142.  Appropriation; department of transportation; transportation infrastructure; counties, cities and towns

A.  In addition to any other appropriations made in fiscal year 2019-2020, the sum of $100,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2019-2020 to the department of transportation to distribute as follows:

1.  To the counties, $38,000,000.

2.  To the incorporated cities and towns, $56,000,000.

3.  To incorporated cities with a population of three hundred thousand or more persons, $6,000,000.

B.  The monies appropriated in subsection A of this section are subject to the following:

1.  Revenues allocated to the counties shall be further distributed to each individual county as follows:

(a)  Seventy‑two percent based on the proportion that all reported sales of motor vehicle fuel subject to sections 28‑5619 and 28‑5620, Arizona Revised Statutes, and the estimated consumption of use fuel in the county bear to the total sales of motor vehicle fuel and the estimated consumption of use fuel throughout this state during the preceding calendar month.

(b)  Twenty‑eight percent based on the proportion that the population of the unincorporated area of each county bears to the population of the unincorporated areas of all counties in this state.

2.  Revenues allocated to the incorporated cities and towns pursuant to section 28‑6538, subsection A, paragraph 3, Arizona Revised Statutes, shall be distributed on the basis of the following apportionments:

(a)  One‑half shall be apportioned to each city or town on the basis that the population of each bears to the population of all cities and towns in this state.

(b)  The remaining one‑half shall be apportioned first on the basis of the county origin of all reported sales of motor vehicle fuels in this state subject to sections 28‑5619 and 28‑5620, Arizona Revised Statutes, which amount shall be further apportioned among the several incorporated cities and towns in each county in the proportion that the population of each city or town bears to the total population of all cities and towns in the county.

3.  Revenues allocated to incorporated cities with a population of three hundred thousand or more persons shall be apportioned among the cities for the acquisition of rights‑of‑way or construction of streets or highways based on population."

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform








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