First Regular Session S.B. 1336
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, line 14, after "C." insert "Except as provided in subsection D of this section,"
Between lines 16 and 17, insert:
"D. Fund monies may be spent for seriously mentally ill persons in both of the following settings:
1. Housing in a contained community setting that provides secure twenty‑four‑hour onsite supervision and that fosters a person's compliance with the person's medication and treatment plans for persons who have serious mental illness and who have demonstrated the inability to successfully live in an independent setting.
2. Housing in a community setting that provides twenty‑four‑hour onsite supervision and that fosters a person's compliance with the person's medication and treatment plans for persons who have serious mental illness and who have demonstrated the inability to successfully live in an independent setting."
Reletter to conform
Amend title to conform