State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: S.B. 1394

            Quezada Floor Amendment

            Reference to: EDUCATION Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Roxanna Pitones





1.    Stipulates there must be a governing board for a charter holder that is composed of at least three members.

a.    Specifies that no more than two immediate family members may serve at the same time on the charter holder governing board.

b.    Prohibits immediate family members from constituting a majority of the board.

2.    Prohibits immediate family currently residing in the same household or who have resided within the same household at any time in the previous four years from serving simultaneously on the governing board of the charter holder or on the charter school governing body.

3.    For charter schools with at least 250 students in Maricopa or Pima county, prohibits more than two persons related by affinity, consanguinity, or by law to the third degree to serve on the governing board of the same charter holder or charter school.

4.    Requires the State Board for Charter Schools to provide training for charter holder governing board members on outlined content, in addition to charter school governing body members.

5.    Specifies charter school governing bodies and charter holder governing boards must comply with open meeting requirements.

6.    Directs a charter school or charter holder that contracts with a CMO to identify the name of the person or entity that has ownership of the CMO and the services the CMO provides to the charter holder.

7.    Specifies the required written statement identifying the CMO must include an itemized list of services the CMO offers to the charter school or charter holder.

8.    Stipulates a charter holder's annual audit include a compliance review of procurement policies.

9.    Makes conforming changes.


Fifty-fourth Legislature                                                  Quezada

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1394




(Reference to EDUCATION Committee amendment)


Page 3, line 1, after "for" insert "charter school"; after "MEMBERS" insert ", charter holder governing board members"

Line 5, after "new" insert "charter school"; after "MEMBER" insert ", charter holder governing board member"

Line 7, strike "governing body member's" insert "person's"

Lines 8 and 9, strike "the key administrative personnel member's" insert "the charter holder governing board or"

Line 10, after "SCHOOL" insert "OR the CHARTER HOLDER"

Page 4, line 7, strike "definition" insert "definitions"

Page 10, between lines 16 and 17, insert:

"8.  Ensure that it provides for a governing board for the charter holder composed of at least three members.  Not more than two immediate family members may serve simultaneously on the charter holder governing board, and immediate family members may not constitute a majority of those board members, except that:

(a)  Persons related as immediate family who currently reside within the same household or who have resided within the same household during at any time within the previous four years may not serve simultaneously on the governing board of the same charter holder. 

(b)  For a charter school with a student count of at least two hundred fifty that is located in a county with a population of more than five hundred thousand persons, not more than two persons related by affinity, by consanguinity or by law to the third degree may serve simultaneously on the governing board of the same charter holder."

Renumber to conform

Page 10, line 26, after the period strike remainder of line

Page 10, strike line 27, insert "Persons related as immediate family who currently reside within the same household or who have resided within the same household during any time within the previous four years may not serve simultaneously on the governing board of the same charter school, except that for a charter school with a student count of at least two hundred fifty that is located in a county with a population of more than five hundred thousand persons, not more than two persons related by affinity, by consanguinity or by law to the third degree may serve simultaneously on the governing board of the same charter school."

Page 11, between lines 2 and 3, insert:

"11. Ensure that the charter school governing body and the charter holder governing board comply with open meeting requirements prescribed in title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1."

Page 20, line 25, after "SCHOOL" insert "OR CHARTER HOLDER"

Line 30, after "SCHOOL" insert "OR CHARTER HOLDER"

Line 31, strike "from the charter school"

Line 32, after "ORGANIZATION" insert "and the name of the person or entity that has ownership of the charter management organization"

Page 21, line 1, after the first and second "SCHOOL" insert "OR CHARTER HOLDER"

Line 2, after the period insert "The statement shall include an itemized list of services the charter management organization offers to the charter school or charter holder, including the cost for each service."

Line 17, strike the comma insert ":


Line 19, strike "1." insert "(a)"

Line 22, strike "2." insert "(b)"

Between lines 23 and 24, insert:

"2.  "Immediate family" has the same meaning prescribed in section 15-421."

Page 23, line 7, after "SCHOOL'S" insert "OR CHARTER HOLDER'S"

Amend title to conform





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1:53 PM

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