First Regular Session S.B. 1475
(Reference to the proposed Livingston s/e amendment dated 2/15/19; 12:06 p.m.)
Page 1, line 19, after "collected" strike remainder of line
Strike lines 20 through 24, insert "from a sexual assault kit."
Page 2, line 7, strike "for the collection of an additional set of" insert "that requires"
Line 8, strike "for analysis with" insert "to be analyzed using"
Strike lines 25 through 30
Reletter to conform
Page 3, strike lines 10 through 13
Renumber to conform
Strike lines 17 through 20
Strike lines 28 through 32
Renumber to conform
Page 4, strike lines 3 through 5
Page 5, strike lines 1 through 3
Renumber to conform
Strike lines 8 through 14
Amend title to conform