Number: S.B. 1019
Borrelli Floor Amendment
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
1. Allows a city, town or county to impose a restriction on an industrial hemp site that violates applicable zoning laws or building and fire codes.
2. Allows a city, town or county to enforce lawful zoning ordinances relating to industrial hemp sites, if the ordinance is applied in the same manner as other property of the same zoning classification.
3. Establishes a state preemption on the regulation of industrial hemp sites and specifies that the regulation of industrial hemp sites is not subject to further regulation by a city, town or county.
4. Requires the Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA) to establish and maintain:
a) a public registry of all industrial hemp licenses on the AZDA website; and
b) a voluntary registry for the cultivation sites of nonprofit medical marijuana dispensaries (dispensaries).
5. Requires the industrial hemp license registry to include the license number, business name, business address and license status of all industrial hemp licenses and include the license's status as a grower, harvester, transporter or processor.
6. Requires the Director of AZDA (Director) to appoint an advisory committee to consider, assist and make recommendations regarding cross-pollination between industrial hemp sites and cultivation sites of dispensaries.
7. Requires the Director or the Director's designee to serve as chairperson of the advisory committee.
8. Requires the Director to appoint an equal number of members to the advisory committee with experience and expertise in the cultivation of industrial hemp and cultivation of medical marijuana.
9. Requires the advisory committee, by January 1, 2022, to submit a report of recommendations regarding cross-pollination between industrial hemp sites and cultivation sites of dispensaries to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives and provide a copy to the Secretary of State.
10. Allows the Director to adopt rules based on the recommendations of the advisory committee.
11. Terminates the advisory committee on October 1, 2022.
12. Makes technical and conforming changes.
Second Regular Session S.B. 1019
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, between lines 1 and 2, insert:
"Section 1. Section 3-314, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
3-314. Industrial hemp licenses; applications; fees; fingerprinting requirements; renewal; revocation; registries
A. A grower, harvester, transporter or processor shall obtain an industrial hemp license from the department.
B. A grower, harvester, transporter or processor shall apply for a license pursuant to rules and orders adopted by the director.
C. An application for an original or renewal industrial hemp license shall comply with all of the following:
1. Be on a form that is provided by the department.
2. Include complete and accurate information.
3. Be accompanied by the license fee prescribed by the director. The director shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35‑146 and 35‑147, fees collected under this paragraph in the industrial hemp trust fund established by section 3‑315.
D. An applicant shall provide proof to the department of having a valid fingerprint clearance card issued pursuant to section 41‑1758.07 for the purpose of validating applicant eligibility.
F. The department may revoke or refuse to issue or renew a license for a violation of any law of this state, any federal law or any rule or order adopted by the director.
G. A member of an Indian tribe may apply for a license pursuant to this section. If a member of an Indian tribe is issued a license pursuant to this section, the member is subject to the requirements prescribed in this article.
h. the department shall establish and maintain, at the department and on the department's website, a public registry of all industrial hemp licenses issued pursuant to this section. the registry shall include the license number, business name, business address and license status of each licensee. the registry shall also include the license's status as a grower, harvester, TRANSPORTER or processor.
i. the department shall establish and maintain a voluntary registry for the cultivation sites of nonprofit medical marijuana dispensaries as defined in section 36-2801."
Renumber to conform
Page 1, line 4, after "sites" insert "; state preemption"
Line 5, before "notwithstanding" insert "a."
Line 6, strike "regulation or"
Line 7, after "3-311" insert "unless the industrial hemp site violates any applicable zoning law or building and fire code. a city or town may enforce a lawful zoning ordinance if the ordinance is applied in the same manner as other property of the same zoning classification"
Between lines 7 and 8, insert:
"b. the legislature finds that the regulation of industrial hemp sites is a matter of statewide concern. the regulation of INDUSTRIAL hemp sites is not subject to further regulation by a city or town EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN SUBSECTION A OF THIS SECTION."
Page 1, line 10, after "sites" insert "; state preemption"
Line 11, before "notwithstanding" insert "a."
Line 12, strike "regulation or"
Line 13, after "3-311" insert "unless the industrial hemp site violates any applicable zoning law or building and fire code. a county may enforce a lawful zoning ordinance if the ordinance is applied in the same manner as other property of the same zoning classification"
After line 13, insert:
"b. the legislature finds that the regulation of industrial hemp sites is a matter of statewide concern. the regulation of INDUSTRIAL hemp sites is not subject to further regulation by a cOUNTY EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN SUBSECTION A OF THIS SECTION.
Sec. 4. Advisory committee on industrial hemp and medical marijuana cross-pollination; membership; report; delayed repeal
A. Pursuant to section 3-106, Arizona Revised Statutes, the director of the Arizona department of agriculture shall appoint an advisory committee to consider, assist and make recommendations to the director regarding cross-pollination between industrial hemp sites and cultivation sites of nonprofit medical marijuana dispensaries.
B. The director or the director's designee shall serve as the chairperson of the committee. The director shall appoint an equal number of members with experience and expertise in the cultivation of industrial hemp and the cultivation of medical marijuana.
C. On or before December 31, 2021, the advisory committee shall submit a report of recommendations regarding cross-pollination between industrial hemp sites and cultivation sites of nonprofit medical marijuana dispensaries to the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives and shall provide a copy to the secretary of state.
D. The director may adopt rules based on the recommendations of the advisory committee.
E. This section is repealed from and after September 30, 2022."
Amend title to conform