State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: S.B. 1305

            Livingston Floor Amendment

            Reference to: printed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Zack Dean





1.    Specifies that a personal delivery device operated on a highway in an area that is not a pedestrian area must be operated on the side or shoulder of that highway.

2.    Allows a local authority to establish maximum speeds of less than twelve miles per hour in a pedestrian area if the local authority determines that a maximum speed of twelve miles per hour is unreasonable or unsafe for that area.

3.    Specifies that a maximum speed established by a local authority may not be less than seven miles per hour.

4.    Allows a local authority to prohibit the operation of personal delivery devices in a specified zone or during certain hours in a specified zone to protect public health and safety.

5.    Modifies the definition of business entity to include a non profit legal entity.


Fifty-fourth Legislature                                               Livingston

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1305




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 22, line 9, strike ", that is formed for the purpose of"

Line 10, strike "making a profit"

Page 23, line 16, before "A" insert "a. Except as provided in subsection b of this section"

Page 23, line 18, strike "of not more than" insert "up to"; after "on" insert "the side or shoulder of"

Page 23, between lines 19 and 20, insert:

"b. A local authority may establish a maximum speed of less than twelve miles per hour for a personal delivery device in a pedestrian area if the local authority determines that a maximum speed of twelve miles per hour is unreasonable or unsafe for that area. a maximum speed established under this subsection may not be less than seven miles per hour."

Page 23, line 36, strike ", including limiting the hours of operation or zones or operation"

Page 23, line 38 after "not" insert ":


Page 23, between lines 40 and 41, insert "2. prevent a local authority from prohibiting personal delivery devices in a specified zone or during  certain hours in a specified zone to protect public health and safety."

Amend title to conform







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