REFERENCE TITLE: board licensure; certification; residents |
State of Arizona Senate Fifty-fourth Legislature Second Regular Session 2020
SB 1212 |
Introduced by Senator Fann
amending section 32‑4302, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to BOARD LICENSURE, CERTIFICATION AND REGISTRATION.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Heading change
The chapter heading of title 32, chapter 43, Arizona Revised Statutes, is changed from "LICENSURE, CERTIFICATION AND REGISTRATION OF MILITARY MEMBERS" to "BOARD LICENSURE, CERTIFICATION AND REGISTRATION".
Sec. 2. Section 32-4302, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
32-4302. Residents; military spouses; licensure; certification; requirements; exceptions; definition
A. Notwithstanding any other law, an occupational or professional license or certificate shall be issued, in the discipline applied for and at the same practice level as determined by the regulating entity, pursuant to this title to a person who establishes residence in is a resident of this state or without an examination to a person who is married to an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States and who is accompanying the member to an official permanent change of station to a military installation located in this state if all of the following apply:
1. The person is currently licensed or certified in at least one other state in the discipline applied for and at the same practice level as determined by the regulating entity and the license or certification is in good standing in all states in which the person holds a license or certification.
2. The person has been licensed or certified by another state for at least one year.
3. When the person was licensed or certified by another state there were minimum education requirements and, if applicable, work experience and clinical supervision requirements in effect and the other state verifies that the person met those requirements that were in place at the time the person was licensed or certified in order to be licensed or certified in that state. This paragraph does not require that a person's education and, if applicable, work experience and clinical supervision experience meet the current education requirements and, if applicable, work experience and clinical supervision requirements needed for licensure or CERTIFICATION in that state. A person's licensure or certification by another state is proof that the person met the education requirements and, if applicable, work experience and clinical supervision requirements in effect in that state at the time of the licensure or certification.
4. The person previously passed an examination required for the license or certification if required by the other state.
5. The person has not had a license or certificate revoked and has not voluntarily surrendered a license or certificate in any other state or country while under investigation for unprofessional conduct.
6. The person has not had discipline imposed by any other regulating entity. If another jurisdiction has taken disciplinary action against the person, the regulating entity shall determine if the cause for the action was corrected and the matter resolved. If the matter has not been resolved by that jurisdiction, the regulating entity may not issue or deny a license until the matter is resolved.
7. The person does not have a complaint, allegation or investigation pending before another regulating entity in another state or country that relates to unprofessional conduct. If an applicant has any complaints, allegations or investigations pending, the regulating entity in this state shall suspend the application process and may not issue or deny a license to the applicant until the complaint, allegation or investigation is resolved.
8. The person pays all applicable fees.
9. The person does not have a disqualifying criminal history as determined by the regulating entity pursuant to section 41‑1093.04.
B. This section does not prevent a regulating entity under this title from entering into a reciprocity agreement with another state or jurisdiction for persons married to active duty members of the armed forces of the United States, except that the agreement may not allow out‑of‑state licensees or certificate holders to obtain a license or certificate by reciprocity in this state if the applicant has not met standards that are substantially equivalent to or greater than the standards required in this state as determined by the regulating entity on a case‑by‑case basis.
C. Except as provided in subsection A of this section, a regulating entity that administers an examination on laws of this state as part of its license or certificate application requirement may require an applicant to take and pass an examination specific to the laws of this state.
D. A person who is licensed pursuant to this title is subject to the laws regulating the person's practice in this state and is subject to the regulating entity's jurisdiction.
E. This section does not apply to:
1. A license or registration certificate that is issued pursuant to chapter 24 or 26 of this title.
2. Requirements for a fingerprint clearance card issued pursuant to title 41, chapter 12, article 3.1.
3. Criteria for a license, permit or certificate of eligibility that is established by an interstate compact.
4. The ability of a regulating entity under this title to require an applicant to submit fingerprints in order to access state and federal criminal records information for noncriminal justice purposes.
F. A license or certificate issued pursuant to this section is valid only in this state and does not make the person eligible to be part of an interstate compact. A regulating entity under this title may determine eligibility for an applicant to be licensed or certified under this section if the applicant is not part of an interstate compact.
G. subsection A of this section applies to each person who is a resident of this state:
1. Without a minimum time required that the person must be present in this state.
2. Even if the person is a resident of this state before August 27, 2019.
H. For the purposes of this section, "resident" includes:
1. A person who is in this state for other than a temporary or transitory purpose.
2. A person who is domiciled in this state and who is OUTSIDE this state for a temporary or transitory purpose. Any person who is a resident of this state continues to be a resident even though the person is temporarily absent from this state.
Sec. 3. Retroactivity
This act applies retroactively to from and after August 26, 2019.