REFERENCE TITLE: climate change; supporting management





State of Arizona


Fifty-fourth Legislature

Second Regular Session





SCR 1023


Introduced by

Senators Mendez: Alston, Dalessandro, Steele; Representative Salman





supporting constructive efforts to manage climate change.





Whereas, the State of Arizona has a tradition of protecting its land, air and water; and

Whereas, preservation of Arizona's economic longevity and role as a leader in fiscal responsibility depends on prudent management of natural resources; and

Whereas, protecting, conserving and reasonably managing the natural environment are essential principles of responsible governance; and

Whereas, the citizens of Arizona recognize the inherent worth of this state's natural resources, as well as their economic value, in providing for future generations; and

Whereas, the National Climate Assessment has issued a report outlining the increased risk of extreme weather events, including wildfires, water scarcity, heatwaves and flash floods; and

Whereas, in April 2016, world leaders recognized the urgent need to combat climate change by signing the Paris Accord, agreeing to pursue emissions reduction targets to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees celsius; and

Whereas, the impacts of climate change will affect the well-being of Arizona citizens and impair their productivity in key economic areas; and

Whereas, climate change disproportionately affects communities of color and low-income families due to insufficient environmental protections.


Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arizona, the House of Representatives concurring:

1.  That the Members of the Legislature commit to working constructively with the Governor of this state to create and support economically viable and broadly supported private and public solutions to manage climate change, including in rural communities.

2.  That the Members of the Legislature recognize the importance of working together, including with the Governor, to prioritize our understanding and use of science to address causes of a changing climate and support innovation and environmental protection to realize positive outcomes.

3.  That the Members of the Legislature encourage individuals, corporations and state agencies to reduce their emissions and to support the growth in technologies and services that will enlarge our economy in a way that is both energy efficient and cost effective.

4.  That the Members of the Legislature will declare a climate emergency as the first step to protect the welfare of Arizona's natural resources, its economy and its citizenry's sustained rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.