ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fourth Legislature Second Regular Session |
House: ED DP 11-0-0-2 |
HB 2108: college course credit; dual enrollment
Sponsor: Representative Udall, LD 25
Caucus & Cow
Requires a school district governing board to award each student enrolled in a community college or university course one Carnegie unit for each three semester hours of credit. Stipulates that eligible high school freshmen and sophomores must be admitted to a community college for dual enrollment purposes.
The Carnegie unit system is commonly used by high schools to measure academic credit hours earned by students. Under current law, a school district governing board is required to award one-half of a Carnegie unit for each three semester hours of credit that a student earns in a community college or university course upon determination that: 1) the subject matter of the course is appropriate to the specific requirement the student intends it to fulfill; and 2) the level of the course is higher than the course taught in the high school attended by the student or, if the course is not taught in the high school, the level of the course is equal to or higher than the level of a high school course.
Under current law, high school students are eligible to be admitted to a community college for dual enrollment provided that the students are high school juniors or seniors. A community college may waive the requirement that students be a high school junior or senior for up to 25% of the high school students that are enrolled provided that certain criteria are met, including a demonstration, by way of an exam, that freshmen and sophomore students who meet course prerequisites are prepared to benefit from the college-level course (A.R.S. § 15-1821.01).
A dual enrollment course is defined as a college-level course that is conducted on the campus of a high school or a career technical education district, applicable to an established community college academic degree or certificate program and transferable to a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR). A dual enrollment course that is applicable to a community college occupational degree or certificate program may also be transferable to a university under the jurisdiction of ABOR (A.R.S. § 15-101).
Requires a governing board to award one
Carnegie unit for each three semester hours of credit that a pupil earns in a
community college or university course. (Sec. 1)
2. Stipulates that eligible high school freshmen and sophomores must be admitted to a community college for dual enrollment purposes. (Sec. 2)
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Initials CH/EB Caucus & COW
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