Fifty-fourth Legislature

Second Regular Session

House: ED DP 13-0-0-0

HB 2222: CTEDs; internships; funding

Sponsor:  Representative Udall, LD 25

Caucus & COW


Allows a student who is enrolled in any internship course as a part of a career technical education district (CTED) program to be included in the student count of the CTED.


For the purposes of funding, a CTED may levy a maximum of .05 cents per $100 of secondary net assessed property valuation to generate a local contribution, with the remainder of formula monies coming in the form of basic state aid. A CTED's student count may not include:

1)    A student in K-9;

2)    A student in grades 8 and 9 (may only be funded with monies generated by the CTED's tax levy);

3)    A student in the year after graduation or who received a general equivalency diploma;

4)    A student over 21; or

5)    A student enrolled in an internship course as part of a CTED (A.R.S. § 15-393(4)(A)(B)(C)(D)).

The calculation of a CTED's average daily membership (ADM) differs as follows:

1)    A student who is enrolled at a school district or charter school and a CTED course or program on a satellite campus generates 1.25 ADM;

2)    A student who is enrolled at a school district or charter school and a CTED course or program at a centralized campus generates 1.75 ADM; and

3)    A student who is enrolled at a school district or charter school and a CTED course or program at a leased centralized campus generates 1.75 ADM.

A school district or charter school and CTED must determine the apportionment of ADM for students. However, the apportioned amount may not exceed 1.0 ADM for either entity (A.R.S. § 15-393(N)(O)(Q)).

A satellite campus means a facility that is owned or operated by a school district or charter school and that offers CTED programs or courses. A centralized campus means a facility that is owned and operated by a CTED and that offers CTED programs or courses. A leased centralized campus means a facility that is leased and operated by a CTED that offers CTED programs or courses (A.R.S. § 15-393(Z)(2)(4)(5)).


1.    Allows a student who is enrolled in any internship course as a part of a CTED program to be included in the student count of the CTED for that internship (Sec. 1).

2.    Contains technical changes (Sec. 1).

☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal Note



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Initials CH/TR             Caucus & COW


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