Fifty-fourth Legislature

Second Regular Session

House: RA DPA 4-3-0-0

HB 2313: fire sprinklers; existing buildings; prohibition

Sponsor:  Representative Grantham, LD 12

Caucus & COW


Prohibits a municipality from adopting regulations that require the installation of fire sprinklers in a building that was not required to have fire sprinklers when originally constructed.


According to statute, a municipality cannot adopt a code or ordinance, or part of a uniform code or ordinance, that prohibits or requires installation or equipment of fire sprinklers in a single family detached residence, or a residential building with not more than two dwelling units. A municipality cannot impose any fine, penalty or other requirement on any person or entity for choosing to install or equip or not install or equip fire sprinklers in such a residence (A.R.S. § 9-807).


1.    Prohibits a municipality from adopting a code or ordinance, or part of a uniform code or ordinance, that requires the installation of fire sprinklers in an existing building that wasn't required to have fire sprinklers when originally constructed. (Sec. 1)

2.    Prohibits a municipality from imposing a fine for choosing not to install fire sprinklers on such a building. (Sec. 1)

3.    Authorizes a municipality to require the installation of fire sprinklers if the existing building undergoes a major renovation or remodel. (Sec. 1)

4.    Defines a major renovation or remodel ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal Noteas one in which:

a)    The business will not be open to patrons during the renovation or remodel; and

b)    The contracted price of the work to be performed is over $250,000. (Sec. 1)



Committee on Regulatory Affairs

1.    Clarifies an existing building is a building in which occupancy allows for 300 or more occupants and is licensed to serve alcoholic beverages.

2.    Applies the aforementioned provisions regarding municipalities and fire sprinkler ordinances to counties and fire districts.





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Initials JR/LB              Caucus & COW


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