Fifty-fourth Legislature

Second Regular Session

House: ED DP 9-1-0-3

HB 2484: department of education; career information

Sponsor:  Representative Carroll, LD 22

Caucus & Cow


Requires the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) to annually collect and compile career-related information and transmit the information to public high schools to distribute to students.


In 2008, the State Board of Education (SBE) approved Education and Career Action Plans (ECAP) for all students in grades 9-12. Schools are required to develop an ECAP in consultation with the student, the student's parent or guardian and the appropriate school personnel. The school must annually monitor, review and update each ECAP and completion of an ECAP must be verified by appropriate school personnel.

An ECAP must, at a minimum, allow students to enter, track and update academic goals, career goals, postsecondary education goals and extracurricular activity goals (A.A.C. R7-2-302.05).


1.    Requires ADE to annually collect and compile the following information:

a)    The most in-demand jobs in Arizona, including the starting salary and required education level for each job;

b)    The average cost to attend each in-state university, community college and vocational program;

c)    The average monthly student loan payment and the average three-year student loan default rate of individuals who attended each in-state university, community college and vocational program;

d)    The average graduation rate for each in-state university, community college and vocational program;

e)    The completion rates for:

i.      The apprenticeship programs approved by the Department of Economic Security and United States Department of Labor;

ii.     In-state high school equivalency programs;

iii.    Career and technical education programs; and

iv.   United States first-term military enlistments;

f)     The percentage of college graduates, by major, who are working in an occupation that does not require a college degree; and

g)    The average starting salary of individuals who graduated from each in-state university, community college and vocational program.

2.    Stipulates that ADE must transmit the specified information to each public high school to distribute to students by October 15 annually.

3.    Allows ADE to enter into a memorandum of understanding that provides for data sharing with any state agency for the purposes of collecting the information.

4.    ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteContains a delayed effective date of January 1, 2021.

5.    Cites this act as the Students' Right to Know Act.



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9.    Initials CH/EB                   Caucus & COW


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