Fifty-fourth Legislature

Second Regular Session

Senate: ED DP 9-0-0-0 | APPROP DP 8-0-1-0 | 3rd Read 30-0-0-0-0

SB 1393: education programs; county jails; appropriation

Sponsor: Senator Carter, LD 15

Committee on Education


Requires each county that operates a county jail to offer an education program to all prisoners 21 years old or younger who do not have a high school diploma or a general equivalency diploma. Appropriates $114,000 from the state General Fund (GF) in FY 2021 for county jail education programs.


Currently, each county that operates a county jail must offer an education program to all prisoners who are 18 years old or younger and prisoners with disabilities who are 21 years old or younger. The county school superintendent and the county sheriff are responsible for agreeing on the method of delivery of the education program.

A county may operate its county jail education program through an accommodation school that provides alternative education services. Pupils enrolled in the accommodation school county jail education program are funded at an amount equal to 72% of the amount if the pupil were enrolled in another accommodation school program.

If the county opts not to operate its county jail education program through an accommodation school, the county school superintendent may establish a county jail education fund to provide financial support to the program. These funds consist of a base amount of $14,400 plus a variable amount (A.R.S. § 913.01).


1.    ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteRequires each county that operates a county jail to offer an education program to all prisoners who:

a)    Are 21 years old or younger; and

b)    Do not have a high school diploma or a general equivalency diploma. (Sec. 1)

2.    Appropriates $114,000 from the state GF in FY 2021 to the Superintendent of Public Instruction to distribute to county school superintendents for county jail education programs. (Sec. 2)

3.    Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1, 2)



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